Research Support Services - EU Funding - Structural Funding
Research Support Services
EU Funding - Community Programmes
The EU has ‘Community programmes’ in almost every discipline. These programmes are designed to promote cooperation between Member States in the fields relating to the different EU policies. Framework programme 7 (FP7) is just one of these Community Programmes. FP7 promotes research and development cooperation across member states. The Lifelong Learning Programme is another Community Programme which promotes teaching and learning cooperation across member states. There are also programmes for Health, Environment, Youth, Culture, Media, etc… Each programme is managed by a different administrative body and has its own grant rules.
Some other Community Grants that may be of interest to DCU researchers are:
The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)
The CIP programme aims to encourage competitiveness of European enterprises. SMEs are its main target and the programme will support innovation activities, provide better access to finance and deliver business support services. It will encourage a better take-up and use of ICT and help to develop the information society. It will also promote the increased use of renewable energies and energy efficiency.
The programme will run from 2007 to 2013.
Actions under CIP
The CIP is divided into three operational programmes:
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP)
- Information Communication Technologies Policy support Programme (ICT PSP)
- Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE)