
Journaling -Intention Setting

Online via Zoom
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Journaling: Intention setting with relaxing guided meditation 

Each session begins & ends with a gentle breathing exercise & short guided meditation

Intention setting


What is intention setting?

Intention setting is an Inviting to ask yourself what I would like for me today. You can write your positive intention down and reflect for a few moments on it. 


Question you might ask yourself?

Do you have the energy needed to complete the tasks you have planned for yourself today?

What things make you feel re-energised?

Have you taken time to notice what you have achieved today?


Some Ideas of positive intentions could be;

Creating time each day for a walk if this is something you enjoy

Making time to meet a friend 

Paint, Sing, Dance

Giving yourself permission to read a favourite book

Doing small things that make you feel good & re energise you

Sitting for 5 minutes to do nothing at all


Guide for intention setting

Keep intention simple

Create a space a few minutes each day to ask yourself what you need for that day

Write it down

Positive intentions are things that energise or recharge your battery


Benefits of intention setting

A focus on small positive intentions can help keep us grounded and in the present moment.  A chance to connect to our intuition. A chance to connect to our creativity.