Remission of Fees Scheme | Financial Assistance Service
Data Protection Notice
By completing/submitting either of the application forms below, you will be submitting personal data to Dublin City University (DCU) Student Support and Development Unit (SS&D) and the DCU Finance Unit.
Why we need your data
When applying for a Fee Remission you will be required to provide DCU with certain personal data and supporting medical documentation.
This is necessary for the assessment of your application.
The personal data provided on your application will only be used for the intentions outlined above and for no other reason.
Data protection rules
Data protection concerns the safeguarding of privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data. Personal data is any information relating to a living individual, which allows the identification of that individual. Examples include name, email address, date of birth or telephone number.
DCU must comply with of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Irish Data Protection Acts 1988-2018 when it collects and uses your personal data. DCU acts as a ‘Data Controller’ in respect of your personal data and complies with its responsibilities under these laws.
Your rights
Under data protection rules, you have rights as a ‘Data Subject’. These rights include:
• The right to be informed about what happens to information relating to you (personal data) (Articles 12-14 of GDPR);
• The right to access information relating to you which is held by DCU (Article 15, GDPR);
• The right to rectification, to correct any errors in your personal data (Articles 16 & 19, GDPR);
• The right to erasure, to delete/destroy information relating to you which is held by DCU (Articles 17 & 19, GDPR);
• The right to data portability (Article 20, GDPR);
• The right to object to processing of information relating to you (Article 21, GDPR);
• The right of restriction, to limit the way DCU uses information relating to you (Article 18, GDPR); and,
• Rights in relation to automated decision making, including profiling (Article 22, GDPR).
General information on how DCU collects, uses and discloses personal data, and on your data protection rights, is available through the DCU Privacy Policy that can be accessed via the DCU Data Protection Website.
If you have any questions in relation to your personal data, you may contact the DCU Data Protection Officer, Mr Martin Ward, on 01-7007476 or email data.protection@dcu.ie. For further information, please visit the DCU Data Protection Unit Website.
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is the official authority overseeing data protection in Ireland. If you wish to lodge a complaint to the DPC, please visit dataprotection.ie
Fee Waiver on Medical Grounds or due to Pregnancy
Students who are repeating a year or part thereof on medical grounds or due to pregnancy may seek to have their repeat fees waived on medical or pregnancy grounds. To apply, please complete and submit the application form below which includes required supporting documentation. Please note in late August or early September we will email you requesting a 'Fitness to Return' letter.
* Students intending to return to a "new programme of study" will be charged the full published fee.
** Students who defer an academic year prior to the cut-off date at the end of October, will not be charged a further Registration Fee upon returning to the University the following year. Any increase in the Registration Fee in that year will, however, be charged back to the student.
Each case will be examined individually.
Closing Date 31st October 2024
(No applications will be accepted after this date)
For further information please contact the Financial Administrator -
Ph: 01 700 60 55
Email: celine.geraghty@dcu.ie
To apply - Complete below online application together with required supporting medical documentation.
Data Protection Notice
Please read the Data Protection Notice on this website prior to completing this form.
Important: If you proceed to complete and submit the Fee Remission Application Form, your personal data will be processed by DCU as described in the Data Protection Notice. If you do not wish to have your personal data collected and further processed by DCU, do not proceed.
By ticking the below consent declaration, I confirm I have read and fully understand the above statement and I consent to DCU processing my personal data as described in the Data Protection Notice referenced above
Application Form for Waiver of Fees 2024/2025
Reduced fees for 1st year Transfer Students
Only First Year DCU students who do not wish to continue with their programme after First Year and who are returning to the first year of a programme of study other than that for which they originally registered, may apply for the reduced 'repeat' fee, rather than full fees.
Closing Date 7th October 2024
(No applications will be accepted after this date)
Only applicable to First Year DCU students transferring within DCU or via the CAO.
For further information please contact DCU Fees Office - fees@dcu.ie
Data Protection Notice
Please read the Data Protection Notice on this website prior to completing this form.
Important: If you proceed to complete and submit the Reduced Fee Application Form, your personal data will be processed by DCU as described in the Data Protection Notice. If you do not wish to have your personal data collected and further processed by DCU, do not proceed.
By ticking the below consent declaration, I confirm I have read and fully understand the above statement and I consent to DCU processing my personal data as described in the Data Protection Notice referenced above
Application Form for Reduced Fees 2024/2025