Students’ Union
All students of DCU are automatically members of the DCU Students’ Union. DCUSU is here for you throughout your time at DCU. We provide opportunities, help create change, throw great events on campus and offer support when things go wrong. DCUSU is made up of 14 executive officers, 5 of whom are full-time sabbatical officers elected and paid for by the student body. Each class has at least one elected class representative who sits on Programme Boards and attends the Class Rep Council to discuss all issues affecting the students of DCU. Your full-time sabbaticals represent your views by sitting on various university decision-making committees. Call into the DCUSU offices on either the Glasnevin Campus or the St. Patrick’s Campus to avail of our services, purchase tickets for upcoming events in DCU, buy your bus and rail tickets (including Leap Cards) hang out in our chill-out areas or just come in for a chat. Our doors are always open!
Glasnevin Campus Students’ Union Office:
T: +353 1 700 5392
St Patrick's Campus Students’ Union Office:
T: +353 1 700 9117
The Team
President - Karl Ormsby
Vice-President Academic Life - Aoife Butler
Vice-President Wellbeing - Jamie Mangan
Vice-President Community and Citizenship - Brandon Perry
Vice-President Diversity and Inclusion - Alishaer Ahmed