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Student Support & Development

Your Learning Preferences - Concluding remarks

Learning at DCU

Your Learning Preferences

Concluding remarks

image of hat The message in this unit is to use ways of learning which work well for you, your situation and your subject. You will have learnt a range of strategies in this regard from the exercises you completed earlier. It is worth identifying your learning preferences so you can work with them as far as possible and perhaps experiment with adopting alternative styles to complement your existing ones. Remember that all people exhibit characteristics of all learning types to different degrees and therefore you will not fit neatly into any one learning style category. When you are taught and assessed partly in a manner you prefer, this leads to an increased comfort level and willingness to learn. However, it is also necessary to be taught and assessed partly in a less preferred manner, which provides practice and feedback in ways of thinking and solving problems which you may not initially be comfortable with, but which you will need to use in the future to be a fully effective professional. End of unit: Action

If you haven't done so already, plan some time to undertake the discovery exercises in this section. Be sure that you also record the suggestions offered for maximising learning in your preferred style(s). Document your reactions in your reflective learning journal (See the next unit, 'Reflective learning: keeping a reflective learning journal').

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