This image shows Rosa Mc Callig

Interview with Rosa Mc Callig

Rosa McCallig, a graduate of the Computing for Business programme, shares valuable insights and advice for prospective students. Having successfully completed the programme in 2021, Rosa now holds a position as a Business Systems Support at the Abbey Theatre. 


Why did you choose to study Computing for Business at DCU?

I initially chose Computing for Business because of my love for Business Studies in school. It was a subject that I felt motivated and energised in, so it made sense to go on to study a course that could help me to cultivate the skills and knowledge required to succeed in a commercial climate.

What piqued my interest about this specific course was how it combined both practical and theoretical elements of business and technology. The modules complimented each other really well, which could offer me an exciting new perspective and provide me with a competitive advantage in building the foundations of my career. 

Despite having no prior experience with programming, I signed up for the challenge and haven’t looked back since! 


Tell us about your experience of the programme

I found the programme challenging but very rewarding. There were modules that I enjoyed (and naturally, some that I didn’t love!), but I found that each learning point was as important as the next in developing a well rounded understanding of the nuances of developing technologies and the role they play in the current and future climate. 

The lecturers, and staff in general, were phenomenal. In my experience, they demonstrated a true passion for teaching and for providing students with a high standard of education. The willingness to go the extra mile to foster a healthy learning environment made me feel comfortable to ask questions and explore new ideas. 

I got to take part in several exciting projects. One of which was our final year project, where we worked in pairs. This involved developing a technical product for a “Start-Up”, where we developed an app and wrote up a paper on what would be required to bring this app to market. During this time, I had fun creating a product that was unique at the time while utilising course materials and my own research.

Overall, the experience made me feel empowered and well-informed. I learned so much over the few years and would definitely recommend it. If you’re a logical thinker and enjoy problem solving and being creative, you’ll love this programme too!


What was your favourite module?

It came as a huge surprise to me, but my favourite module was probably programming. Due to my lack of experience in programming, I was a little bit nervous at the beginning. I have to admit, it was far from easy at the start and I was initially finding it quite difficult to master. 

Thankfully, I had a great lecturer who (unwittingly) is the reason I didn’t give up prematurely. He said something along the lines of “Programming is a difficult skill to master and it requires a lot of hard work”,  “but once it clicks, it clicks”. It’s this passion that inspired me to keep going and I hope this advice will be helpful to anyone thinking of taking this course. It may take some time and hard work, but as soon as it “clicked”, I found it incredibly rewarding and fun.

I also want to give IT Governance some recognition,  as I learned some really interesting and relevant facts about data protection, standards and best practices that I find useful on a daily basis.


Did you have any involvement in Clubs and Societies?

I joined the Redbrick society, which is a networking society run by DCU’s School of Computing. This is a must for anyone taking a computing course in DCU. It provides information on events, as well as a discussion forum for people interested in computing.

I was also a member of the Enterprise Society/ESoc. This society provides a hub for those interested in innovation and enterprise. They also organise events, raise money for charities and provide a great student discount card!


Tell us about your INTRA work placement

I spent semester two of third year working as a Project Analyst at CRH. The application process was very straightforward. It provided all students with the opportunity to apply for an internship with a range of companies. 

I travelled to the office in Rathfarnham each day, where I worked alongside a team of talented professionals with experience in the field of IT. My colleagues at CRH were happy to share their knowledge and experience, to help me improve my skills and develop my perspectives. 

This internship exposed me to a real-world scenario in which I could apply what I had learned in my course, and also foster good habits relating to business etiquette and modes of operation. The dynamics of the environment meant that I could build on my professional skills, as well as develop my soft skills, like communication, time management and adaptability.

Ultimately, it felt exciting to be a part of the workforce. It gave me a taste of things to come and made my final year of university a lot easier.


Did you find your INTRA placement useful?

Yes, in fact I believe it was a key factor in helping me to secure a job after graduation. 

After graduation, when I began my job search, I found that the interviewers were interested in hearing about my time on placement and what I learned from the experience. The experience provided me with numerous relevant talking points for interviews. 

It also boosted my confidence, as I had a better idea of what kind of roles were best suited to my abilities. This meant I could apply for positions that I knew my knowledge and skills would be suited to. This was important in being able to advocate for my competency, as well as demonstrate my ability to learn on the job.


How did you find your career path?

I made a list of my skills and drew up a plan of what kind of role I would like to be working in down the line. This took some critical thinking and actually took a few months to develop and finetune. When I had a good idea of what I wanted in a career, I took to LinkedIn and other job sites to apply for positions that matched my skills and goals. 

I found my current job on Linked In and couldn’t be happier. 


Did this programme prepare you for your current job?

I definitely think so. On top of learning programming languages and theoretical knowledge of business practice, I also advanced in my critical thinking and problem solving abilities. This programme helped me to thrive and the competitive advantage I gained from completing this course opened a lot of doors for me. The mixture of modules, along with my internship, ultimately helped me to secure a job I love.


Tell us about your current role

My role is Business Systems Support (IT) at the Abbey Theatre. This involves the day to day administration of business software systems like Office365, Tessitura (our ticketing system) and databases. I collaborate with users to enhance user experience and monitor overall effectiveness of systems. This is done through developing methods of assessing, streamlining and improving. I get to participate in and oversee major projects - such as our move to cloud.One of the perks of the job is that I also get to see great shows!


What advice would you give to prospective students
  • Don’t be afraid to change your mind if things aren’t working out for you, but keep an open mind and be willing to put in the work.
  • Research your options and engage with different perspectives before making your decision.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask loads of questions!
  • Do what feels right for you.


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