FEC - School of Computing
School of Computing


Primary Department
Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Associate Professor / COMBUS Programme Board Chair
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

I am Associate Professor in the School of ComputingDCU. My research areas are interdisciplinary and include Educational  Analytics, Computational Finance, Complex Systems and Statistics. I am specifically allied with several research centres:

Adapt - where I am a Funded Investigator, specifically aligned with FinTech research. I work on several projects to empower innovation in Financial Services, with a special focus on InsurTech. 
ARC-SYM - Advanced Research Computing Centre for Complex Systems Modelling, as part of which I completed my PhD research in 2013. I am acting as a chair of the Modelling & Scientific Computing Group.
Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre where I am a research collaborator on projects in Smart Cities and behavioural analysis.

Prior to coming to DCU, I obtained my BSc and MSc at the School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), University of Belgrade, Serbia. My current research projects are in FinTech on building models for claims predictions and for explainable AI in Fraud Detection. I have several projects with behavioural analytics focus in the area of education analytics and optimised software usage analytics.

In past I worked on projects that study impact of large urban layouts on pedestrian movement decision-making using Agent Based Modelling (ABM) with open data sourced from OpenStreetMap. In a research collaboration with Sigmoid Pharma Ltd. I worked on building stochastic models of in vitro drug delivery systems (DDS) by using Cellular Automata and ABM.

Research interests

Modelling and Simulation of Complex SystemsBehavioural AnalyticsComputational Finance
High Performance ComputingPedestrian/Traffic ModellingDrug Dissolution Modelling