
Academic biography
Assistant Professor | Enterprise Computing Team Project (CA472) Coordinator | Lero Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software - Funded Investigator https://www.lero.ie/
Teaching & Learning
I deliver modules across both DCU B.Sc. in Computer Science and B.Sc. in Computing for Business programmes. I am module coordinator for CA348 Business Information Management, CA267 Software Testing and CA4101 Enterprise Architecture. I am committed to enhancing the student experience both through the use of reflective teaching practice to guide my mode of delivery of content and through the integration of my research into my teaching. I have substantial industry experience in software testing and leading software testing teams enabling problem based learning approaches in software quality related modules. I also am engaged in research focused on enhancing the experience of autistic students and preparing them for securing and remaining in roles in the software industry aligned with the DCU draft strategic pillar of pioneering a transformative student experience. I have been an invited guest lectures delivered including into the M.Sc. in Digital Health Transformation in University of Limerick and the H.Dip. in Healthcare and the M.Sc. in Computing (Medical Device Software) in Dundalk Institute of Technology.
Research & Scholarship
I am a funded Investigator in Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software. I have received the NSAI 1997 Award and the Dundalk Institute of Technology President’s Award for Early Career Researcher. My research interests are: Health Information Technology Systems; Education of Autistic Software Engineers; Software Testing in Safety Critical Domains; and Software Engineering Best Practice. My research delivers impact through international collaboration and multidisciplinary cross faculty engagement at a local level. I have directly trained Clinical and IT personnel on medical IT network best practice and have an established network of international research collaborators in 8 countries and additionally with various Irish Universities.
Service & Contribution
I am currently serving as Chair of the National Standards Authority of Ireland Health Informatics Standards Committee and am an invited member of the NSAI Top Team for AI Standards providing recommendations to the Department of the Taoiseach through the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. I am an impactful long term contributor (10+ years) to the ISO and IEC including as project leader and editor. I have a strong track record of research student supervision and regular Examiner/Chair for DCU School of Computing Vivas/Transfer Talks and am currently coordinator for Year 4 B.Sc. in Computing for Business final year projects.I have been an active and committed member of the Faculty Committee for Research (FEC) since 2020 and am a key contributor to the School of Commuting Ethics Committee since 2019.
Research interests
I am a funded Investigator in Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software and have received the NSAI 1997 Award and the Dundalk Institute of Technology President’s Award for Early Career Researcher. My research has delivered impact through international collaboration and multidisciplinary cross faculty engagement at a local level. I have directly trained Clinical and IT personnel on medical IT network best practice I have an established network of international research collaborators in 8 countries (including the US, Australia, and Germany) and additionally with various Irish Universities. I have been an invited speaker/keynote at national and international conferences/events; and reviewer/Programme Committee member for leading international conferences and journals. Iam currently serving as Chair of the National Standards Authority of Ireland Health Informatics Standards Committee having acted as Vice Chair since 2019. I am an invited member of the NSAI Top Team for AI Standards providing recommendations to the Department of the Taoiseach through the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. I am a long term contributor (10+ years) to the ISO and IEC including as project leader and editor and have served as General Chair for conferences/think tank sessions including the Health Identifiers Conference, 2016. I have a strong track record of research student supervision and regular Examiner/Chair for DCU School of Computing Vivas/Transfer Talks. I am an active member of the School of Commuting Ethics Committee since 2019 and have represented Lero Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software on the Faculty of Engineering and Computing Faculty Committee for Research (FEC) since 2020.
My research interests include:
Each of these areas are closely aligned with DCU and School of Computing strategies. A brief overview of exach area is provided below:
Research Focus 1. Health Information Technology Systems
My first area of research is the development and implementation of standards for risk management of health information technology systems (HITS). My ultimate goal is to develop meaningful approaches to standards development to ensure that stakeholder interests are represented as a means to drive the adoption of standards that promote safe, effective and secure health information technology systems. I am particularly interested in methods, techniques, tools and standards for managing the risks of implementing and maintaining information technology systems particularly in the healthcare domain. My research focuses on using a pragmatic approach to the development of a standard based approach to risk management of networked medical devices and health information technology systems.
Research Focus 2. Education of Autistic Software Engineers I am passionately committed to advancing the opportunities for autistic individuals in the software industry. My