User Experience (Ux)
User Experience (Ux)
To obtain more detailed information on each module, click on the module title below.
Exploring Interaction Design (HS1)
This level 1 (15 ECTS credits) module introduces students to the Interaction Design (IxD) cycle and to the principle of user centered design. It provides students with the opportunity to practice the use of a variety of IxD tools to better understand users' needs, develop prototype interactive systems and evaluate those systems.
This level 2 (15 ECTS credits) module examines the use of organisation theory to help IT designers and managers deal with the problems they encounter in their organisations and to exploit the opportunities that arise.
Researching Interactions with Technology (HSA)
This degree level (20 ECTS credits) module enables students to develop a critical position on technology use, experience and adoption in social and cultural contexts, and allows students to carry out an empirical user experience research project. As well as developing the relevant research skills, an examination is also made of the relevance of research in the business and everyday world of ICT, and shaping an attitude toward professional practice as reflective, evidence-based practice.