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Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Research Centres 2 people

Faculty Research Centres and Affilliations



At Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, we undertake high impact research in data analytics that has significant benefits for the individual, industry and society by enabling better decision making. All of our research is informed by our vision; Empowering Citizens. Smarter Societies.

Making good decisions is dependent on having the best and most accurate information at your fingertips. Our research helps to transform data into knowledge.


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The world-leading SFI Research Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology, brings leading academics, researchers and industry partners together to deliver excellent science, engage the public, develop novel solutions for business across all sectors and enhance Ireland’s international reputation. Coordinated by Trinity College Dublin and co-hosted by Dublin City University, ADAPT’s partner institutions include University College Dublin, Technological University Dublin, Maynooth University, Munster Technological University, Athlone Institute of Technology, and the National University of Ireland Galway.


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The SFI Research Centre for Advanced Manufacturing, our mission is to shape the future of manufacturing through high-impact research into the application of digital technologies to materials processing. 

We work in close collaboration with our industry partners to ensure that our research is relevant, applicable and impactful, delivering a step-change in competitiveness for Irish manufacturing.  I-Form aims to be globally recognised as a leading centre in advanced manufacturing research by 2023.


Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)

Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)

AMS – Advanced Metallic Systems  (Director, Dermot Brabazon, Mech Eng)

Centres for Research Training (CRTs)

Centres for Research Training (CRTs)

AI - Artificial Intelligence   (DCU Lead, Dr. Suzanne Little)

ML - Machine Learning  (DCU Lead, Prof. Noel O’Connor)

D-REAL - Digitally Enhanced Reality (DCU Lead, Dr. Shirley Coyle)


DCU Designated Research Centres 

University Designated Research Centres 

APT (Director, Dermot Brabazon, Mech Eng)

Biodesign Europe (Executive Director, Nicholas Dunne, Mech Eng)

DCU Research Centre for Decarbonisation, Sustainability and Innovation (DeSI) (Director, Dr. Lorna Fitzsimons)

Other Faculty Centres and Affiliations

MedEng (Executive Director, Nicholas Dunne, Mech Eng)

Faculty staff are also affiliated with the following DCU Approved Centres
For more information on all our research please contact treasa.fagan@dcu.ie