How to make an appointment

Make an appointment with the Nurse or Doctor
To make an appointment please email one health centre quoting your student number or if contacting us for the first time see below.
Please do not email both health centres to arrange the same appointment. We will offer you the first appointment available even if on the other campus.
Contacting us for the first time:
Please download our Student Intake form below, complete and attach it to your email requesting the appointment. We need this to register you on our system.
Glasnevin Campus: healthservices@dcu.ie 01-700 5143 / 087 4087936
St Patrick's Campus: spd.healthcentre@dcu.ie 01 700 9215
This service is monitored from Monday to Friday only
We respond to emails and voicemails on the day of receipt, or the next working day if received outside working hours. At times of high volume such as Monday morning, it make take some time from the start of business to get a reply to your email.
Urgent Appointments
If a problem is urgent (you are feeling unwell or injured), please ring the Health Centre before 10.00am. Urgent problems will be given priority by the doctors and nurses within opening hours.
Routine Appointments
If you have an issue you would like to discuss with the Nurse and/or Doctor please email us to arrange the next available appointment for you.
We are open Monday- Friday 0930 - 1645 outside these hours you may contact out of hours services
Out of Hours Doctors' Services
D-Doc is an out-of-hours emergency service run by local GPs. The D-Doc centres are open from 6pm to 8am Monday to Friday and 24 hours on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Should you have a medical emergency out of hours contact the D-Doc service, telephone 1850 22 44 77
Students should note that there is a fee for this service to non-Medical Card / European Health Service Card (EHIC) holders.
If you need an emergency ambulance service, please phone 999/112.
If your emergency in on a DCU campus you should call security 01 700 5999
Sick Notes
If you are sick on a particular day and cannot attend compulsory labs or lectures on that day, you are required to e-mail the Health Centre to request a sick note. Backdated sick notes will not be issued unless you contacted us on the day you were sick.