Student Health Service - Services

Health Services in DCU
The student health service provides medical care to registered students of DCU.
Our GP and Nurse clinics operate Monday - Friday during term (St Patrick's campus only on Friday).
There are two Health Centres in DCU, one on Glasnevin campus and one on St Patrick's campus.
You may contact the Health Centre most convenient to you, however, don't contact both for the same appointment. We always offer the next available appointment even if on the other campus.
These are the services we provide:
This service is for the management of acute illness, prescription renewal, referrals to hospital consultants
Students are assessed/triaged by the nurse and referred to the doctor if necessary.
Medical Referrals can be made on request or where deemed appropriate by a Counsellor or other relevant person.
We offer support on personal, health and social concerns.
We can just provide a listening ear to any student having difficulties throughout their academic year.
Students may attend us to get help on their eating habits, learn about healthy eating and maintaining dietary changes. Body mass index or BMI maybe carried out.
All bloods must be requested by a GP. We can facilitate bloods requested by other General Practitioners by pre-arrangement.
We run a clinic to carry out routine blood tests once a week for a nominal fee of 15 Euros.
We advise students on common sexually transmitted infections.
Free STI checks are now available from the HSE.
Please order your home test kit from SH:24 HSE
Students can book a Preliminary or a full STI check in the Student Health Centre.
The Preliminary check involves a consultation with the nurse, a swab or urine test plus a blood test.
The full STI test involves a doctor's consultation followed by an appointment with the nurse. This test involves bloods(HIV, Hepatiits, Syphilis) and a swab for the females (Chlyamdia and Gonorrhea) and a urine sample for the males (Chlyamdia and Gonorrhea).
This clinic is offered to students within the Faculty of Sports Science and Health. The Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for anyone who is exposed to blood or other potentially infectious body fluids.
The Hepatitis B vaccination is a series of three shots given over a 6-month period. The second shot is administered 1 month after the first dose. The third shot is given 6 months after the first.
Students can pre-book the Nurse to discuss contraception / family planning issues. We encourage students to contact us for unplanned pregnancy advice and assistance.
We offer wound care and assessment of accidents.
We can also care for wounds post surgery by pre-arrangement with individual consultations or general practitioners. E.g. pilonidial sinus, suture removal
Students need to pre-book an appointment with the Nurse for ear irrigation. This may be needed if ear drops do not work. Irrigating the ear with water will usually clear plugs of earwax
Sick notes - If you are sick on a particular day and cannot attend compulsory labs or lectures on that day, you are required to either phone or e-mail the Health Centre to request a sick note. Backdated sick notes will not be issued unless you contacted us on the day you were sick.