Extenuating Circumstances (R30) - Submission Portal
Extenuating circumstances allows students to identify specific circumstances, which have had a significant impact on their ability to complete assessment to the best of their ability. The R30 form allows students to bring these to the attention of your Programme Chair/ Progression and Award Board.
The recognition of extenuating circumstances does not normally result in the awarding of additional marks to your grade. It may however result in your module assessments being recorded as deferred or ill with the assessment to be taken at the next available sitting.
Extenuating Circumstances may be submitted due to exceptional circumstances as outlined below:
Submission Deadlines 2024/2025:
- Semester One Modules - before 4.00pm on Friday 3 January 2025
- Semester Two Modules - before 4.00pm on Tuesday the 6 May 2025
- Resits/Summer modules - before 4.00pm on Monday 11 August 2025
What if I miss the deadline for Extenuating Circumstances?
The form should be submitted by the the published deadlines for your circumstances to be considered by the Programme Chairperson/Progression and Award Board. If your form is not submitted by this deadline, it may not be possible for the Progression and Award Board to consider your circumstances.
When should I submit Extenuating Circumstances (R30)?
Extenuating circumstances allows students to identify
specific circumstances, which have had a significant impact on their ability to complete assessment to the best of their ability. The R30 form allows students to bring these to the attention of your Programme Chair/ Progression and Award Board.
Extenuating Circumstances may be submitted due to exceptional circumstances as outlined below.
- Illness, injury, accident or hospitalisation:
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied by a registered medical practitioner, health professional, registered counsellor/psychotherapist or psychologist
- Family illness (specify relationship):
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied by a registered medical practitioner or other health professional
- Bereavement (specify relationship):
Appropriate supporting evidence must be supplied
- Other personal or emotional circumstances:
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied by a registered medical practitioner, health professional or Student Support professional
- Victim of Crime:
Supporting evidence must be provided by a member of An Garda Síochána, or use the previous option if the crime has resulted in serious personal or emotional circumstances
- Other, please specify:
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied.
The Extenuating Circumstances is not for:
1) Short term extensions: these should be discussed with your module coordinator.
2) Postponement of assessment. The Postponement of assessment (R33) should be completed if you are aware, in advance, that you will be unable to sit an examination or complete an assignment and wish to postpone this to the next available sitting, (as outlined in module specifications).
Disability & Learning Support Service (DLSS)
If you have a disability or learning difficulty and are registered with the Disability & Learning Support Service (DLSS) these circumstances will be facilitated through ongoing supports and those circumstances should not be included as extenuating circumstances.
Student Steps to submit Extenuating Circumstances (R30)
1) Gather relevant supporting documentation for your personal circumstances.
2) Fill out the "Application of Extenuating Circumstances (R30 process)" detailing the reason for your application.
- Word: Application of Extenuating Circumstances (R30 process)
- PDF: Application of Extenuating Circumstances (R30 process)
3) Once you have the following to hand you may proceed to fill in the below webform.
- Application of Extenuating Circumstances (R30 process)
- Supporting documentation.
4) Follow the steps on the Submission portal. Once you upload your documentation and press submit, you will receive a submission confirmation to your DCU email account.
5) DCU Registry will email students to confirm your Extenuating Circumstances form has been processed ahead of the Progression and Awards board (PAB).
6) All applications for Extenuating Circumstances are ratified by the Progression and Awards board (PAB). Final decision regarding Extenuating Circumstances will be displayed when you receive your examination results.
You can find the specific dates for PABs and promulgation of results by referring to the Academic Calendar.
When you submit the form, you will receive a submission confirmation email into your student inbox.
The recognition of Extenuating Circumstances does not normally result in the awarding of additional marks to your grade. It may however result in your module assessments being recorded as deferred or ill with the assessment to be taken at the next available sitting.
You should take great care in filling in the form and make sure your details are correct.
Do you have further questions?
Any queries regarding your form submission can be directed to Registry via email: examinations@dcu.ie
Any academic queries should be directed to your program chair
Your submission will be treated as strictly confidential.
Dublin City University is not responsible and shall not be bound by errors in or omissions from this publication; the University reserves the right to revise, amend, alter or delete programmes of study and academic regulations at any time by giving such notice as may be determined by Academic Council in relation to any such change.
If I submit Extenuating Circumstances (R30), what happens next?
- Once you upload your documentation and press submit, you will receive a submission confirmation to your DCU email account.
- DCU Registry will email you to confirm your Extenuating Circumstances form has been processed.
- Your completed Extenuating Circumstances form (R30) will be reviewed by your programme chair and approved by the relevant progression and award board (PAB). You will know the outcome of your application when you receive your exam results via the promulgation of results.
- You can find the specific dates for PABs and promulgation of results by referring to the Academic Calendar.
- The recognition of extenuating circumstances does not normally result in the awarding of additional marks to your grade. It may however result in your module assessments being recorded as deferred or ill with the assessment to be taken at the next available sitting.
- Important Information: If a deferral is proposed or applied for, you are still liable for full fees when repeating a module in the next academic session.
What is the first attempt rule?
DCU calculates your average for the year and your overall grade (H2.1, H2.2 etc) based on the first attempt at your modules. When you postpone or are granted a Deferral (D) or Ill (I) grade due to extenuating circumstances this is not counted as an attempt. Therefore, the next time you take the assessment is counted as your first attempt.
When can I resit a deferred module?
Deferred modules should be taken at the next available opportunity as defined in the reassessment requirement in the module specifications. There may be a resit in the current academic year or you may be required to register for the next academic session.
What are Resit Category 2 modules?
A small number of modules are designated as Resit Category 2. These are modules which are 100% Continuous Assessment and a resit of the assessment is not possible in August meaning you must register for the module in the next academic year. The resit category is listed on the module specifications.
Appeal Process
All students have the right to appeal the decisions of a Progression and Award Board under specified grounds. However, if you have not submitted extenuating circumstances prior to the Progression and Award Board meeting, your appeal may be rejected unless the Appeals Board finds that there were valid reasons for non-submission.
Please note this process cannot be exercised by Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students.
Disability & Learning Support Service (DLSS)
If you have a disability or learning difficulty and are registered with the Disability & Learning Support Service (DLSS) these circumstances will be facilitated through ongoing supports and those circumstances should not be included as extenuating circumstances.
Supporting Documentation
You must submit relevant supporting documentation which provides confirmation/evidence of your application.
Failure to supply this will prevent your form being considered. The types of document/evidence required is given below. The University requires that these circumstances are confirmed by the professional indicated in each case below. Please note supporting evidence is non-returnable.
- Illness, injury, accident or hospitalisation:
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied by a registered medical practitioner, health professional, registered counsellor/psychotherapist or psychologist
- Family illness (specify relationship):
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied by a registered medical practitioner or other health professional
- Bereavement (specify relationship):
Appropriate supporting evidence must be supplied
- Other personal or emotional circumstances:
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied by a registered medical practitioner, health professional or Student Support professional
- Victim of Crime:
Supporting evidence must be provided by a member of An Garda Síochána, or use the previous option if the crime has resulted in serious personal or emotional circumstances
- Other, please specify:
Appropriate original supporting evidence must be supplied.
Any queries regarding your form submission can be directed to Registry via email: examinations@dcu.ie
Please reference your Student ID number (as per your student ID card)
Submit your application for Extenuating Circumstances (R30) by selecting your faculty below:
Your submission will be treated as strictly confidential.
If you are unsure of which faculty your course belongs to or who your program chair is, please refer to the webpage Chairpersons of Program Boards.
Data Protection Notice: Personal information that you submit to Registry in connection with any service provision will be treated in accordance with the Registry Data Protection Notice
Dublin City University is not responsible and shall not be bound by errors in or omissions from this publication; the University reserves the right to revise, amend, alter or delete programmes of study and academic regulations at any time by giving such notice as may be determined by Academic Council in relation to any such change.
Updated in September 2024