Research Newsletter - July 2022
DCU School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Research Activity Newsletter July 2022
On behalf of the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health Research Committee at Dublin City University, we would like to welcome you to the July 2022 School Research Newsletter. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide a snapshot of some of our current research activities over the past twelve months. It's been a busy year for the school's research agenda. The level of research activity in the School has gone up considerably with lots of new funding applications, publications and post-graduate students. We have just had our qualitative research summer school which was a hybrid event with workshops across many qualitative research methodologies and approaches. The summer school was a major success again this year.
Prof Anthony Staines (Research Convenor) & Dr Claire Timon ( Research Fellow)

Dr Mary Rose Sweeney
Head of School
Head of School
Dr Mary Rose Sweeney
It’s been a very busy year since we produced our last research newsletter. We managed to get the majority of our Teaching and Learning back face-to-face after the more severe waves of the coronavirus. This was such a relief for staff and students. We launched a new Research Specific Strategic Plan which lays out our road map for the next few years ahead for the School’s research agenda.
Last month Dr Tanya Cassidy was recognised for the impact of her research on breastfeeding and breast milk banks beyond academia by being awarded the DCU President's award for Research Impact More details of the award can be read here.
This is the 4th time since the inception of this award 4 years ago that an academic in the school of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health has received this award. I think this demonstrates that our research has real work value and that its impact reaches well beyond academia. Congratulations to Tanya.
We have recently launched three new exciting postgraduate programmes which will run from this September. We are accepting applications at the moment. Further details can be read in this article.
This is my final semester as Head of School. I want to thank all my colleagues in the School, Faculty, University and partner services for everything they did during my time as Head and I wish the new Head of School Prof Veronica Lambert and everyone in the School every success and happiness in the years ahead.
Some highlights from our research this year are captured in this summer edition of our research newsletter 2022.

Dr Daniela Lehwaldt
Nursing Academic Lead
Academic Group Updates
Dr Daniela Lehwaldt, Nursing Academic Lead
This year has been particularly busy for the Academic Nursing Group with students returning to campus following the pandemic. We are particularly delighted to have the new ‘MSc in Specialist Nursing / Midwifery for Future Healthcare’ and the ‘MSc in Child and Family Health and Wellbeing’ commencing in September 2022. Both will be a fantastic addition to existing programmes and they will offer our undergraduate students and external partners to choose a programme suitable to developing their clinical careers. My time as Academic Lead in Nursing is coming to an end this August. I have enjoyed my time in this role and I am very proud of the Academic Nursing Group’s achievements in teaching, scholarly activity and research, some of which are outlined in this newsletter.
Research update
‘Assessment in Healthcare EducAton goes Digital (AHEAD)
This Erasmus+ funded project is continuing with great success. The team met for the first time in person at Hanse Institut Germany with partners from Germany, Poland and Georgia to further develop project activities. There was great interest in the project from the local newspaper Nord-West Zeitung, who published an article about researchers from Ireland and Europe visiting the small town of Oldenburg in Germany to develop digitalisation in healthcare education, see more info here. DCU School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health (Dr. D. Lehwaldt (PI), Susan Hourican, Dr Mary Kelly, Dr Ciara White, Patrick Doyle, Justin Dawson, John David Dalmerio) are leading the project. They are responsible for the development of an AI-technology based hand washing assessment with digital badge, which they are developing together with the School of Computing (Dr. Cathal Gurrin and Dr. Jiang Zhou) and Teaching Enhancement Unit (Dr. Mark Glynn and Suzanne Stone).
Irish Africa Alliance for Non-Communicable Diseases (IAAfNCDs)
Work is ongoing on this project, see more info here. A research team comprising various stakeholders including from the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health are involved in shaping online education for African nurses in diabetes management and prevention. The team is funded under the Esther Ireland grant to establish relationships and to develop an MoU with the Ecole Nationale des Auxiliares Medicaux (ENAM) Lomé, Togo, West Africa.
Cochrane Review
Marcia Kirwan is working on a Cochrane Review with a team of researchers led by Prof Michelle Butler. The review aims to examine outcomes related to the substitution of nurses for physicians in hospital care. This work is significant and timely given the worldwide trend for substitution of nurses for doctors across many areas of hospital care. The main objective of the review is to establish the impact of substitution on patient outcomes, on processes of care and on economic outcomes. The review is at an advanced stage and the first draft is planned for later this year.The protocol for this review is available here
COVID19 vaccination for student nurses
Dr Marcia Kirwan, in collaboration with a team of researchers from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, was awarded funding for a year-long research project from the Polish Ministry under the scheme NAWA: National Agency of International Cooperation and Exchange. The research commenced September 2021 and looked at the development of a social media campaign around COVID19 Vaccination for student nurses in the first instance, with the potential for wider use across younger age groups for future public health campaigns. The team from Warsaw visited the school in May and the final report will be available from September.
Experiences of residents, family members and staff in residential care settings for older people during COVID‐19
A study conducted by a team of academic researchers at the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health which included Dr Mary Rose Sweeney, Dr Ciara White, Dr Mary Nevin, Dr Andrew Boilson, Dr Briege Casey and Prof Anthony Staines and Mr Patrick Boylan from the School of Psychology on the impact of COVID-19 on residents, their family members and staff of residential care homes, has found that the pandemic had significant adverse effects for residents, family members and staff in residential care settings for older people in Ireland. Isolation, loss of connectedness as well as a reduction in the level/quality of care provision led to significant physical, psychological and social impacts for both residents and their families. Staff reported high levels of stress, trauma and burnout. Family input to care was suspended, with adverse consequences.
Missed infection prevention and control activities by nurses in acute hospitals in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
The data collection phase for a study which aims to examine missed infection prevention and control activities by nurses in acute hospitals in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic has just been completed. Marcia Kirwan, Anne Mathews and postgraduate student Elizabeth Egan are working on this. It is an expansion of the focus of missed nursing care research in which researchers will, for the first time, look at specific areas of nursing practice related to infection prevention and control activities.

DCU Ability Project
DCU Ability Project
The DCU Ability project (2018-2022) is focused on employment by providing education, training and support for young adults with intellectual disabilities to explore their opportunities for work. By May 2022 the project has supported 150 young adults, 41 of whom attended a campus-based course, 98 completed an on-line blended course while 11 learners availed of one-to-one support. To date the project has been awarded over €750,000 in funding (Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning and Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF) Measure to Support the Employment of People with Disabilities).
The DCU Ability team designed and delivered a new blended learning course for young adults with intellectual disabilities during the pandemic. Feedback and consultation with key stakeholders (including learners) is an important aspect of the project evaluation. DCU staff in particular play a vital role in promoting inclusion, either directly by offering work placement, or indirectly by fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere on campus. We gathered the views of staff and the findings have been submitted to a special edition of Disabilities as a selected paper from the 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress.
Funding success
Prof Veronica Lambert (PI), Dr Yvonne Corcoran, Dr Eileen Courtney and Dr Gemma Kiernan in partnership with Queen’s University Belfast were successful in securing funding under the HEA Shared Island North-South Research Programme for a project entitled “The all-island CO-DECIDE Study: co-production of a decision-making framework for planning the place of end-of-life care for children, young people and their families on the island of Ireland”.
Dr Mel Duffy, Dr Marta Prandelli & Dr Tanya Ni Mhiirthile were successful in winning a HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01 under the HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 scheme. The project title is CHRISALIS (Cultural, Heritage and Rights Impact on Social Acceptance and Lives of the InterSex) The amount is €215,534.
Prof Kate Irving was part of a successful application to a COST action. The main aim of the Action Ethics in Dementia (EDEM) is to promote ethical dementia care beyond the current state of affairs. EDEM will work (1) to promote dignity, autonomy and quality of life of people with dementia; (2) to reduce burnout and moral distress among people with dementia´s formal and informal caregivers, and (3) to improve the quality and homogeneity of dementia care across Europe, by fostering an international collaboration in the field of dementia and ethics including CEECs.
The 12th International Council of Nurses (ICN) Nurse Practitioner (NP) / Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) conference will be held 21st-24th August in Dublin. The main theme of the conference is ‘Advanced Practice Nursing Shaping the Future of Healthcare’. There will be approximately 400 oral and poster presentations and 16 clinical workshops relating to advanced nursing practice. The SNPCH is a sponsor of the conference and some of the staff are presenting at it. For example, Dr Daniela Lehwaldt will present on the global developments of Advanced Practice Nursing in a keynote. The School will have an exhibition stand where we will present the various programmes that we think are relevant to delegates. It is absolutely wonderful to have the School represented at such a prestigious global nursing event.
- Cleary-Holdforth, J., O’Mathúna, D. and Fineout-Overholt, E. (2021), Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs, Implementation, and Organizational Culture and Readiness for EBP Among Nurses, Midwives, Educators, and Students in the Republic of Ireland. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 18: 379-388. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12543
- Cleary-Holdforth, J., Fineout-Overholt, E. & O’Mathúna, D. (2022) How nursing stakeholders in the Republic of Ireland define evidence-based practice and why it matters. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 00, 1– 9. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12593
- Leufer, T.;Baghdadi, N.A.;Almegewly, W.;Cleary-Holdforth, J. (2021) 'A pre-experimental pilot study exploring EBP Beliefs and EBP Implementation among post-graduate student nurses in Saudi Arabia'. Nurse Education in Practice, 57, 103215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103215
- Leufer, T., Baghdadi, N.A., Almegewly, W., Cleary-Holdforth, J. (2021) A pre-experimental pilot study exploring EBP Beliefs and EBP Implementation among post-graduate student nurses in Saudi Arabia. Nurse Education in Practice, 57, 103215. ISSN 1471-5953. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103215.
- Lockwood, B.E., Lehwaldt, D., Sweeney, M.R. and Matthews, A. (2021). An exploration of the levels of clinical autonomy of advanced nurse practitioners’: A narrative literature review. International Journal of Nursing Practice, https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12978
- Sweeney, M. R., Boilson, A., White, C., Nevin, M., Casey, B., Boylan, P., & Staines, A. (2022). Experiences of residents, family members and staff in residential care settings for older people during COVID-19: A mixed methods study. Journal of Nursing Management, 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13574
- Ullmann, P.; Fajardo, A.; Freyer, S.; Lehwaldt, D.; Pelz, S.; Prommersberger, M.; Schmitt, A.; Centgraf, D.; Hussing, M.; Rafler, H.; Schweiger, J. (2022). Positionspapier - Empfehlungen für den Einsatz von Advanced Practice Nurses. (Deutsches Netzwerk APN & ANP g.e.V., & Bundesverband Pflegemanagement e.V., Hrsg.) Witten, Berlin.

Dr. Evelyn Gordon
Psychotherapy Academic Lead
Dr. Evelyn Gordon , Psychotherapy Academic Lead
As Psychotherapy Academic Lead for the Psychotherapy Academic Group (PAG), having taken over from Dr Gerry Moore in 2022, it gives me great pleasure to report that all staff in the Psychotherapy teaching team and other School colleagues involved with this academic group are deemed research active. This is consistent with our main research aim to “Engage in research that contributes to the psychotherapy profession.” Research activities among this group are diverse and innovative as evident from the sample of projects outlined below. There is a strong community engagement from group members who provide a range of services, such as counselling/psychotherapy and clinical supervision, at community level and have active local, national and international research partnerships. The number of publications generated by this group is impressive and it is noteworthy that publications with taught masters and doctoral students and research students has steadily increased. While, due to annual leave, not all staff are represented in the research activities outlined below a good overall sense of our research and related work is provided.
Research update
Evaluation of Young Ballymun Infant Mental Health (YB IMH) Programmes
Dr Evelyn Gordon (PI) in collaboration with Nursing staff Dr Mary Farrelly and Dr Siobhan Russell (co-investigators are in the dissemination phase of a research project entitled Evaluation of Young Ballymun Infant Mental Health (YB IMH) Programmes. This project was recently presented at DCU Centre for Engaged Research (CER) seminar (May 2022), will be presented at a national ABC conference in June 2022, and the report will be formally launched in the Autumn of 2022. Funding Source: Irish Research Council New Foundations Scheme.
Evaluation of the Suicide or Survive (SOS) Online Eden Programme
Dr Evelyn Gordon (PI), Dr Ray O’Neill and Dr Maeve Kenny (SVHF) (co-investigators are in the dissemination phase of a research project entitled Evaluation of the Suicide or Survive (SOS) Online Eden Programme. Currently planning collaborative dissemination opportunities with SOS. Funding Source: national Office for Suicide Prevention, HSE via SOS.
Participatory action research study of meta supervision
Dr. Aisling McMahon and Dr. Stephanie Finan have commenced a new longitudinal participatory action research study of meta supervision, which involves supporting and investigating the development of clinical supervisors’ work with psychotherapy, psychology, nursing and social care practitioners.
Research & Community Engagement
Specialist supervision training and consultancy continues to be provided by Dr. Aisling McMahon to staff in mental health, educational and community support organisations, primarily in Ireland but also in the UK and Europe - over the last year, these included Jigsaw Youth Mental Health Service, Gheel Autism Service, National Educational Psychological Service, Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Supervisors’ Forum, Irish School Guidance Counsellors Supervisors’ Group, Surrey Counselling Training and Bespoke Mental Health Training (UK).
DCU has a 3 year partnership with Barretstown to support their work. Dr Gemma Kiernan is chair of Barretstown Children’s Charity Research SubCommittee and a member of their Childcare Advisory Committee. Examples of the research projects that Gemma has initiated and/or supported in her role to date include:
1. An online therapeutic recreation-based support during the COVID-19 pandemic for families of a child with chronic illness: An exploratory study (DCU, UCD & Barretstown).
2. Analysis of qualitative data from the Lasting Impacts of Participation in SeriousFun Summer Camps in conjunction with, the American Institutes for Research (Serious Fun Network, DCU & UCD)
3. An Exploration of the Psychosocial Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer (AYACs) aged 15-24 years (UCD, DCU & Barretstown)
4. Perceived Impacts of a Therapeutic Recreation based hospital outreach program (HOP) for children with chronic or severe illness: Qualitative Analysis (Maynooth University, Barretstown, DCU & UCD)
- Gordon, E. International Association for Suicide Prevention (2019). Symposium with international research partners: Acceptability of an intervention for repeat suicide attempts: PISA.
- Gordon, E. National ABC Conference (2022). Poster presentation in collaboration with national research partners: Evaluation of Youngballymun Infant Mental Health (YB IMH) Programmes.
- Kovic, D., & McMahon, A. (September 2021). Building trust in an ‘arranged marriage’: Supervisees’ experience of power dynamics in workplace supervision. Paper presented at the 3rd Dublin City University Supervision Conference (Virtual).
- McMahon, A., Jennings, C., & O’Brien, G. (June 2021). Evaluating, illustrating and guiding supervision competence: A naturalistic multiple case study using the SAGE protocol. Paper presented at the 2021 Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research conference (Virtual).
- Scherb, E., Timulak, L., Iwakabe, S., Durao, M., Kerman, B., McMahon, A., Axelrad, T., Basangri, S., & Notaerts, L. (June 2021). Systematic case studies in the context of Covid-19 pandemics. Member of structured discussion panel at the 2021 Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research conference (Virtual).
- Finan, S., McMahon, A. and Russell, S. (2022) ‘ ‘At what cost am I doing this?’ An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the experience of burnout among private practitioner psychotherapists’, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 22(1), pp. 43-54. http://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12483
- Gordon, E. & McElvaney, R. (2022). Directing from the shadows: Women’s experiences of male relative suicide bereavement. Journal of Family Therapy, DOI:10.1111/1467-6427.12388
- Hanlon, P, Kiernan, G. & Guerin, S (2022) Camp Draws You Back Into Life Again: Exploring the Impact of a Therapeutic Recreation-Based Bereavement Camp for Families Who Have Lost a Child to Serious Illness. Omega DOI 10.1177/00302228221075282
- Harrison, G. & Gordon. E. (2021). Counsellors' experiences of providing counselling to students in university-level institutions in Ireland: An evolving phenomenon. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 00,1–1. https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12441
- Hurley, F.;Kiernan, G.;Price, J. (2021) '‘Starting out in haziness’: Parental experiences surrounding the diagnosis of their child's non-malignant life-limiting condition in Ireland'. Journal of Paediatric Nursing, DOI 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.12.015
- Kiernan, G;Hurley, F;Price, J (2021) ''With every fiber of their being'- perspectives of healthcare professionals caring for children with non-malignant life-limiting conditions'. Child: Care, Health and Development, DOI: 10.1111/cch.12923
- Khoshfetrat, A.;Moore, G.;Kiernan, G. (2021) 'Problematic psychoanalytic supervision: An interpretative phenomenological analysis study'. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, DOI 10.1002/capr.12415
- Mahon, CP;Pachankis, JE;Kiernan, G;Gallagher, P (2021) 'Risk and Protective Factors for Social Anxiety Among Sexual Minority Individuals'. Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-020-01845-1
- Mahon, C;Lombard-Vance, R;Kiernan, G;Pachankis, JE;Gallagher, P (2021) Social anxiety among sexual minority individuals: a systematic review. Psychology and Sexuality 10.1080/19419899.2021.1936140
- McMahon, A., Jennings, C. and O’Brien, G. (2022) ‘A naturalistic, observational study of the Seven-Eyed model of supervision’, The Clinical Supervisor, 41(1), pp. 47-69. https://doi.org/10.1080/07325223.2021.2022060
- Reynolds, D., McMahon, A. and McMahon, J. (2022) ‘Being held through pain: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of experiences of receiving a peer support intervention for family members of individuals with mental illness’, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Early online publication: http://doi.org/10.1002/capr.125

Dr. Briege Casey
Community Health Academic Lead
Dr. Briege Casey, Community Health Academic Lead
As we move out of the pandemic related restrictions, Spring/Summer 2022 has been a busy period for the Community Health Academic Group. We are delighted to be launching our new MSc in Health and Social Inclusion in September 2022 and we look forward to developing our Community/Public health based research even further through this programme. The projects and publications outlined in the newsletter demonstrate our diverse interests and we are always open to new research ideas and collaborations. My term as Lead for the Community Health Academic Group is coming to an end in August. We will be sharing some of our research work over the past 3 years in our Research Expo on 2nd September 2022. More details will be available on the School website shortly.
Research update
An Analysis of Nurse-Led COVID-19 Interventions among Homeless Populations in Dublin, Ireland
Dr Briege Casey, (Principal Investigator), Dr Mary Rose Sweeney, Dr Denise Proudfoot, Dr Claire Cullen, Eric Whelan & Rachel Somers from School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health alongside inclusion health practitioners led an analysis of COVID-19 interventions among homeless populations in Dublin. The aim of the research was to collate and evaluate nurse-led COVID-19 interventions among homeless populations and to communicate findings and recommendations to practitioners and policy makers nationally in order to advance knowledge and practice.
This research has now concluded and the report has been submitted to The Research Collaborative in Quality and Patient Safety (RCQPS) which is a collaborative initiative between the Health Research Board, the Health Service Executive, National Quality Improvement Team and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. The findings and recommendations of the research will be communicated publicly in the next few weeks.
The lived experience of adherence to HIV medication in the context of homelessness and addiction
Research undertaken by MSc student Eavanna Maloney, Dr Briege Casey SNPCH, DCU and Majella Darcy, Dublin Simon Community aimed to explore the lived experience of adhering to HIV medication in the context of drug addiction and homelessness, using a narrative research approach (Riessman 2008), involving interviews with 6 people experiencing homelessness and addiction and who were prescribed HIV medication. The study findings illustrate how addiction and homelessness impacts on adherence to HAART from research participants’ perceptions and experiences. The findings, discussion and recommendations from the study will contribute to improved understanding of the needs of this population and more sensitive person-centred approaches.
Evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi’ project
Prof Anne Matthews is the PI on this ongoing research project. Authors recently published another article from the ‘Evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi’ project based on the realist synthesis of Care Group literature was published in Public Health Nutrition. The research project’s post-doc Ellen Pieterse moved on to her own project (see below) and Dr Nita Mishra was recruited to support the finalisation of the research, especially the scoping review of the Baby-Friendly Hospital and Baby-Friendly Community Initiatives.
Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment Study
This study was led by Dr. Jo-Hanna Ivers (TCD), Dr Gillian Paul was a Co-Investigator. The number of women reporting drug and alcohol use in Ireland is rising steadily however women are less likely than men to attend treatment services. The SWAAT Study aimed to explore why this is the case and to examine the experience of women attending the drug and alcohol services in Dublin. All of the women in the study reported barriers to accessing and attending treatment services including age, stigma, lack of childcare facilities and concerns about losing custody of their child. Results from the study suggest there is an urgent need to build on qualities of existing services to ensure all drug and alcohol treatment services are trauma informed, holistic, integrated and gender transformative so that they can respond to women’s needs including complex issues such as domestic violence and sexual exploitation.
The CAREWELL Project
CAREWELL is a HRB funded study. The PI is Dr. Attracta Lafferty (UCD), Dr. Gillian Paul is a Co- Investigator. The CAREWELL Project is examining how family carers can be best supported to balance work with care. There have been two key outputs in the last year. The first is a position paper outlining how EU member states, via the EU Directive on Work–Life Balance for Parents and Carers, have an opportunity to implement work–life policy interventions that capitalise on recent advances in workplace flexibility while addressing gender disparities in caring. This paper can be accessed here. The second output (available via this link) documents how juggling family caregiving responsibilities with paid employment can lead to role strain, with the caring role always taking precedence over the employee role. The final year of the project will focus on developing a workplace programme to promote positive health and self-care behaviours among working family carers.

Dublin North, North East Recovery College
The Erasmus+ funded project EEEFCom: Embedding an Emancipatory Educational Framework in Communities for people marginalised and excluded because of mental health and/or substance misuse issues met in Dublin City University for three days and worked on finalising the participatory learning process and agreeing core aspects of education programme curriculum.
Autism Friendly University Project
Dublin City University has been ranked the 8th best university in the world for its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goal of “Reduced Inequalities”. These results are part of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2022, released today, which capture universities’ impact on society and are based on institutions’ success in delivering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The top-10 ranking recognised the diversity of the DCU student body, and acknowledged DCU's pioneering work in being recognised as the world's first Autism-Friendly University. Dr Mary Rose Sweeney is now conducting the 2nd phase of research on this project which is exploring the impact the Autism Friendly University Project has had on autistic students at DCU, 3 years on from the implementation of the project.
Funding success
Pieternella (Ellen) Pieterse, who worked with Anne Matthews as a Post-Doctoral researcher on the ‘Evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi’ project, successfully obtained a 4-year SFI/IRC Pathways grant to conduct research on ‘The impact of unsalaried health workers in Sierra Leone on healthcare delivery’. Ellen will remain at DCU for the next four years and is in the process of recruiting a PhD student to work with her on this project.
Sean Healy will serve as a senior researcher on a new Erasmus+ funded project titled: IDEAL 2.0: Inclusive and Equitable sport for people with Autism and Intellectual Disability.The project's overarching goal is to facilitate equitable and inclusive access to sport and physical activity for young people with ID/ASD. The project involves five researchers from Universities from across Europe and a global ID/ASD sport organisation (Virtus). The total grant amount is €400,000.
Dr Tanya Cassidy, was awarded funding from the IRC Funding New Foundations call for her project ‘Bainne Beatha and Beyond: Mixed methodological study of infant feeding and maternity services during the pandemic’ in partnership with Friends of Breastfeeding for €12,000.
The Dublin North, North East Recovery College has had a number of successful community grant successes this year with partners in Dublin North, North East Inner City and Finglas/Cabra and Longford/ West Meath. They all relate to community capacity building around mental health, dual diagnosis and trauma informed communities. The sum of grants come to €109000 with the DCU Recovery College the principle grant holder for €75,000
Dr Carol Barron was awarded funding from Kildare County Council to investigate the recreational and leisure needs of teenagers in a large kildare town with the aim of implementing outdoor teen facilities in the town based on the teenagers preferences.
- Aleksejenko N, Rochfort KD, Cummins PM, Heller JP. 2022. How Epilepsy Changes The Way Brain Cells Communicate. Oral Presentation, 27 May, BRS 13th Annual Research Day, Dublin City University, 27 May 2022.
- Andersen T, King E, Reddy, S, Petrie M. 2021: Transition to online teaching & learning: an explanation from the DCU Ability Project. 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress
- Andersen T, King E, Reddy S, Petrie M. 2021: Education, training and Employment: Sharing the successes and challenges of the DCU Ability Project. 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress
- Casey, B. (2022) Inclusion Health Nursing. Keynote Presentation at the All Ireland Nursing Festival, Wednesday 30 March 2022, Helix DCU
- Casey, B.(2022) “The homelessness within” - Adult autism in homelessness: prevalence,experiences and support needs in an Irish context. – a mixed methods study. Pathways from Homelessness International Homelessness and Health Conference, March 16- 17 2022, Manchester and London.
- Cassidy, T. (2022) ‘Becoming a Parent to a Preterm Infant in a Pandemic: A qualitative cultural social psychological investigation of maternal emotional negotiations between body and baby. Qualitatives 38th Annual Conference. June, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
- Cassidy T. with Oreg, Ayelet. ‘Digital Ethnography’ for DCU QRSS, June 9th.
- Cassidy T. (2022) Cross-cultural considerations regarding Lactation and Loss. Co-organised with Gillian Paul, Denise McGuinness webinar ‘Lactation and Loss, NEC Awareness’ May 30.
- Cassidy T.(2022) ‘Building Liquid Bridges’. European Milk Banking Association (EMBA) Scientific Meeting. Milan, May 2022.
- Cassidy T (2022) ‘Procedures for UK Human Milk Donation’. Invited main speaker for the International Conference on Shariah Compliant Breastfeeding Practices (ICSCB 2022). Universiti Sultan Zainal Aibidin (UNISZA), Malaysia (to be held as a webinar).
- Doherty D, Rochfort KD, Conaghan M, Cooling C, Khalifa A, Balakrishnan R, Freeland B, Kelleher SM, Fahy S, Gaughran J. 2022. Validation of a Novel Sustainable Bioplastic for Laboratory Use. Poster Presentation, 27 May, BRS 13th Annual Research Day, Dublin City University, 27 May 2022
- Laput W, Aleksejenko N, Rochfort KD. 2022. COVID-19 and the NErvous System - What Will Be The Long Term Impact?. Poster presentation, 27 May, BRS 13th Annual Research Day, Dublin City University, 27 May 2022
- Matthews, A, Mu Azzam A. 2022. A synthesis of research using the Perceptions of Empowerment in Midwifery Scale (PEMS). Oral presentation, 22 June, 6th Sigma Biennial European Conference, RCSI 22-25 June 2022
- Petrie M, King E, Fulham J, Copley A. 2022: Progress in accessing online education and training. IASSIDD Virtual Conference Series 2022
- Pieterse P, Matthews, A, Walsh A, Chirwa E, Mambulasa J, Chikalipo M, Msowoya C. 2022. Dublin City University, Ireland. The use of Care Groups to support exclusive breastfeeding within the context of Malawi’s health and nutrition policy. Oral presentation 24 June, 6th Sigma Biennial European Conference, RCSI 22-25 June 2022
- Reddy S, Andersen T, King E, Petrie M. 2021: Career guidance, work experience and progression towards work: Lessons from the DCU Ability Project 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress.
- Rochfort KD, Jmii H, Haverty R, Fletcher NF. 2022. COVID-19 and the Blood-Brain Barrier - Implications for Neurological Disease. Poster Presentation, 27 May, BRS 13th Annual Research Day, Dublin City University, 27 May 2022
- Andersen, T., Petrie, M. king, E. and Reddy S. Reddy, S., Andersen, T, King, E and Petrie M. (2021) Transition to online teaching & learning: an explanation from the DCU Ability Project. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (JARID) Volume34, Issue5, p 1195
- Andersen, T.,King, E., Reddy, S. and Petrie M. (2021) Education, training and Employment: Sharing the successes and challenges of the DCU Ability Project. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (JARID) Volume34, Issue5, p1195
- Barron, C. (2022). How exclusion from the public and private realm can negatively effect adolescents’ sense of community belonging. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 39, (2) pp. 155 – 162
- Barron, C., Emmett,M.J., Patte, M., Higham, S., Bulgarelli, D. (2021) Indoor play during a global pandemic: commonalities and diversities during a unique snapshot in time, International Journal of Play, 10:4, 365-386, DOI: 10.1080/21594937.2021.2005396
- Barron, C. (2021) ‘Are they going to do anything with this info ?’; implementing children’s perspectives on play and recreation policies. pp 57-70 In Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research, (eds) D. Hogan & D. Kennan. Oxon, England. Routledge
- Barron, C. Dias, M, Emmett, M-J. (2021) Report on Changing Patterns of Urban Park Usage in Dublin City Council Catchment Area During the COVID-19 Pandemic https://media.dcu.ie/media/parksreport2021/
- Barron, C., Emmett, M-J. (2021) Back gardens and friends: the impact of COVID-19 on children and adolescents use of, and access to, outdoor spaces. Irish Geography,. 53, (2), p. 173–177, Available at: http://www.irishgeography.ie/index.php/irishgeography/article/view/1422/1164
- Bulgarelli, D.,Bianquin, N., Barron, C., Emmett, M.J (2022) Outdoor play of children with and without disabilities. Insights from the Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland and Italy, European Journal of Special Needs Education, DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2022.2089508
- Casey, B. & Murray, M. 2022 Arts-based Research in the Social Sciences IN Flick U. (ed) (2022) Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research Design. California, London: SAGE. Vol 1, Chapter 31 https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-sage-handbook-of-qualitative-research-design/book267445?gclid=CjwKCAjwtcCVBhA0EiwAT1fY71GZil74hZ0_7-bKPwiV-Bo3-77-yV5GIBkK-raXqaTATCQgmCpJ-hoC5RMQAvD_BwE#description
- Cassidy, T. (2022) More Than Milk: The Origins of Human Milk Banking Social Relations. Journal of Human Lactation. March 2022. doi:10.1177/08903344221082674
- Cohen, M. and Cassidy, T. (2022) Milk from Mars. The Challenges of Regulating Lab-Produced (Human) Milk. Food and Drug Law Journal (FDLJ).
- Corby D, King E, Petrie M, Reddy S, Callan A, Andersen T (2022) Making a Case for the Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Higher Education. Journal Disabilities (in press)
- Corby, D., Andersen, T, Delany, C. King, E., Petrie, M. and Reddy, S. (2021) 'Supporting People with Disabilities towards Employment: DCU Ability Project' https://www.ahead.ie/journal/Supporting-People-with-Disabilities-toward…
- Doherty, C., Parish, A., Levene, I., Anderson, J., Atherton, L., Barnett, D., Simpson, J., Cassidy, T., Mancini, A., Khashu, Mi., Hook, M. (2022) ‘Lactation and Loss: A British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) framework’. https://hubble-live-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/bapm/file_asset/file/1118/Lactation_and_Loss_May_2022.pdf
- Eustace AJ, Lee MJ, Colley G, Roban J, Downing T, Buchanan PJ (2022) Aberrant calcium signalling downstream of mutations in TP53 and the PI3K/AKT pathway genes promotes disease progression and therapy resistance in triple negative breast cancer. Cancer Drug Resistance 5:10.20517/cdr.2022.41
- Forde H, Davenport C, Rochfort KD, Wallace RG, Durkan E, Agha A, Thompson CJ, Tormey WT, O'Gorman DJ, Cummins PM, Smith D. (2022) Serum OPG/TRAIL ratio predicts the presence of cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 189:109936.
- Freeland B, McCarthy E, Balakrishnan R, Fahy S, Boland A, Rochfort KD, Dabros M, Marti R, Kelleher SM, Gaughran J. (2022) A Review of Polylactic Acid as a Replacement Material for Single-Use Laboratory Components. Materials (Basel). 15(9):2989.
- Guillon Q, Baduel S, Bejarano-Martín A, Canal-Bedia R, MagÁn-Maganto M, FernÁndez-Álvarez C, Victoria Martín-Cilleros MV, Cruz SÁnchez-Gómez M, García-Primo P, Sweeney MR et al. (2022) Determinants of satisfaction with the detection process of autism in Europe: Results from the ASDEU study Autism (2022) 13623613221080318
- Healy, S. (2022). Gatekeepers to Fitness: A Correspondence Study to Examine Disabling Practices among Fitness Center Personnel. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/apaq.2021-0136
- Healy, S., Brewer, B., Laxton, P., Powers, B., Daly, J., McGuire, J. & Patterson, F. (2021). Perceived Barriers to Physical Activity among a National Sample of Autistic Adults: A Brief Report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-05319-8
- Lafferty, A.,Phillips, D.,Fealy, G., Paul, G., Duffy, C., Dowling-Hetherington, L., Fahy, M., Moloney, B., Kroll, T. (2022) Making it work: a qualitative study of the work-care reconciliation strategies adopted by family carers in Ireland to sustain their caring role Community, Work and Family. DOI
- Murphy, J., Coulter, M., Sweeney, M. R., & McGrane, B. (2022). “You Get to…” a Qualitative Study of Perceived Influence of Physical Activity and Sport on Mental Wellbeing among Adolescent Girls. Advances in Physical Education, 12(2), 87-105.
- Murphy, J., Sweeney, M. R., & McGrane, B. (2022). The effect of a games-based intervention on wellbeing in adolescent girls. Health Education Journal, 81(4), 463–478.
- Murphy, J., Sweeney, M. R., O’Hagan, A. D., & McGrane, B. (2022). Associations Between Self-Reported Sleep, Wellbeing and Physical Activity in Irish Adolescents. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 18(8), 1. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2022.v18n8p1
- Murphy, J., McGrane, B., & Sweeney, M. R. (2021). Physical Activity, Mental Health and Wellbeing of Irish Adolescents During Covid-19 Restrictions. A Re-Issue of the Physical Activity and Wellbeing Study (PAWS). Physical Activity and Health, 5(1), 215–228. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/paah.127
- O'Reilly D, Buchanan PJ (2022) Hypoxic signalling is modulated by calcium channel, CaV1.3, in androgen resistant prostate cancer. Bioelectricity 4(2), 81-91
- O'Reilly D, Downing T, Kouba S, Potier-Cartereau M, McKenna DJ, Vandier C, Buchanan PJ (2022) Data pertaining to aberrant intracellular calcium handling during androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer. Data in Brief 42, 108143
- O'Reilly D, Downing T, Kouba S, Potier-Cartereau M, McKenna DJ, Vandier C, Buchanan PJ (2022) CaV1. 3 enhanced store operated calcium promotes resistance to androgen deprivation in prostate cancer. Cell Calcium 103:102554
- Pieterse P, Walsh A, Chirwa E, Matthews A (2022) What are the mechanisms and contexts by which Care Groups achieve social and behavioural change in Low and Middle-Income Countries? Group motivation findings from a realist synthesis. Public Health Nutrition.
- Phillips, D.,Duffy, C., Fahy, M.,Dowling-Hetherington, L., Paul, G.,Moloney, B., Fealy, G.,Kroll, T., Lafferty, A. (2022) Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic for working carers across the European Union: work, policy and gender considerations. International Journal of Care and Caring. 6; 289-298.
- Reddy, S., Andersen, T, King, E and Petrie M. 2021 Career guidance, work experience and progression towards work: Lessons from the DCU Ability Project. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (JARID) Volume34, Issue5, p1195
- Ross, S., Abrahamson, K., Schram, B., Haegele, J., & Healy, S. (2022). 24-hour movement behaviors among US adults with functional disabilities, Journal of Physical Activity & Health
- Scattoni ML, Micai M, Ciaramella A, Salvitti T, Fulceri F, Fatta LM, Poustka L, Diehm R, Iskrov G, Stefanov R, Guillon Q, Rogé B, Staines A, Sweeney MR, et al. (2021) Real-world experiences in autistic adult diagnostic services and post-diagnostic support and alignment with services guidelines: Results from the ASDEU study Journal of autism and developmental disorders (2021)51, 11, 4129-4146
- Vandier C, Buchanan PJ (2022) Bioelectricity and the Tumour Microenvironment. Bioelectricity 4 (2), 73-74

Dr Pamela Hussey
Director of the Centre for eIntegrated Care (CeIC)
Dr Pamela Hussey, Director of the Centre for eIntegrated Care (CeIC)
The CeIC continues to close the gap on good practice in health informatics with the recruitment of additional primary investigators from School of Computer Science , and Engineering. Using Open Innovation 2.0 principles CeIC provides context specific knowledge to inform disruptive technology and consciously applies an evolving standards roadmap to ensure compatibility and interoperability is a key focus in new models of health care delivery.
The use of standards is increasingly recognised as an important channel for successful transfer , commercialisation and valorisation of research results , as is evidenced from the recently published Code of Practice for Researchers on Standardisation. Aligning with this code of practice CeIC demonstrates well actual engagement with standards development and linking with Standard Development Organisations (SDO’s) through its recently approved Microcredential for Interoperability which will be offered in January 2023 through FutureLearn.
Specific examples of standardisation activities which align with the Code of Practice from the European Commission include a well attended Standards Symposium on 23rd May 2022. The speakers included members of SNPCH team , School of Engineering & Computing, Business School and with the support of SFI Center Adapt, this symposium was co-sponsored by ELITE-S Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND. In line with our university strategy for a Global University international partners included Professor Fausto Giunchiglia, Head of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) from the University of Trento aligned with CeIC through the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). Participation from US , Italy and Iran on the symposium was also noted and there are a number of proposals in flight for visiting academics to the CeIC in the next academic year..
The CeIC website and social media provides regular updates on our action plan to progress cross theme networking and collaborations between the respective PI ‘s and other DCU Schools and Faculties (Engineering). Engaged in initiatives such as https://www.hsbooster.eu/ and https://www.standict.eu/ Dr Ray Walsh is leading a number of key EU programmes on standardisation. A summary of PI activity can be viewed under the web page Members of the CeIC . Further information on some of our exisitng active research projects for NEX & GerOnTe and our latest projects working with the International Standards Organisation (ISO) research grant entitled ‘A Human-centred, evidence-based study for the future of International Standards and Sustainable Development Goals’ , can all be reviewed from our CeIC website.
Research update
Common Semantic Data Model (CSDM)
Completing in August 2022, CeIC presented the CSDM project deliverables in St Michaels House (SMH) to the project team and senior management , one of which included a standardised demonstrator application The app was designed to transfer the paperwork currently in use for service users to a digital demonstrator platform. T. This project has facilitated the staff of SMH to become more informed about the potential use of digital to support person centred care and understand how standards can support continuity of care across and between service providers. This project has progressed to now inform a revision of a standard ISO 13940 System of Concepts for Continuity of Care under ISO TC 215 WG 3 Long term impact will be to provide insights on core information requirements in electronic health records particularly in relation to disability services.
International Organization for Standardization Research
The CeIC is collaborating with our adjunct member Dr Matteo Zallio Cambridge University , and ISO Central Secretariat in Switzerland to complete a one year project on the ‘A Human-centred, evidence-based study for the future of International Standards and Sustainable Development Goals. This one year project concludes in August , with a summary of the projects initial findings on a conceptual mapping between ISO standards and SDG3 targets and indicators 3. The final part of the project will deliver a survey to SDO working groups , and purposeful interviews with experts from the field of standards and health. Pattern mapping using NPL techniques on ISO standards also delivers a summary of and demonstrator search tool that will assist in making standards more accessible to the wider community
The NEX project concludes in August 2022. The Action Research Cycle (ARC) trial (Phase 3) of the project has recently finished and overall the NEX system was deployed in 30 testing sites (26 older adults participants were recruited to the trial and 4 demonstrator testing sites). The first objective of this study is to use the NEX system to collect data for the automatic identification of patterns of typical behaviour (periodicity) for the identification of Activities of Daily Living (ADLS). The investigators aim to focus on using sensors and smart plugs to facilitate the identification of the following ADLs: (1) eating and drinking events, (2) dressing, (3) bathing or showering, (4) getting up from and going to bed, (5) activity around the house, and (6) time spent outside the house. A secondary research objective is to investigate the participants’ engagement with the system by completing interviews with participants about their experience of using the NEX system and about system acceptability and usability. The analysis of data collected from this trial is underway and a final report and publications detailing these findings will be prepared over the coming months.
GerOnTe is a streamlined geriatric and oncological evaluation based on Information Communication (IC) technology for holistic patient-oriented healthcare management for older multimorbid patients.. The progress of this project can be followed on the following link. It is a multiple years project that has given the CeIC and DCU a large consortium across a number of European countries.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In Ireland, the number of people affected by brain injury, or the severity of the resultant disability, is unknown. This makes it difficult to plan for healthcare services. The study is the first of its kind in Ireland on TBI survivors’ path through rehabilitation. This was completed in Q1 of 2022. Final reports and publications are currently being progressed
CEIC Symposium
"Let's Drop the Jargon"
The Centre for eIntegrated Care CeIC & Elite S presented a symposium on standards in healthcare at DCU. Let’s drop the jargon: A Symposium on Digitalisation in Healthcare, interoperability and standards. The day started with an education & operational theme showcasing current research at the CeIC. This was followed by presentations outlining the need to use standards in research and how we can benefit from expanding our use of standards in future research. In the afternoon a panel of experts from the Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry (IPOSSI) the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA), eHealth Ireland, University of Trento, National Health Intelligence Unit (NHIU), the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) & GS1 discussed the use of standards for the future development in Ireland. The action plan from our symposium is to work with the panel of expertises and deliver an education piece to the patient groups on the importance of standards in another ‘Let's drop the jargon’.
- Hussey P and Murphy C (2022) Interoperability for Information Enabled Care. National Nursing & Midwifery Digital Healthcare Conference - Better Together For Digital Healthcare. Dublin
- Murphy C and Hussey P (2022) The Role of Interoperability In Advancing Integrated Care - Slaintecare. Let's drop the jargon: A Symposium on Digitalisation in Healthcare, Interoperability and Standards, Dublin City University.
- Murphy C (2022) The NEX project “Show Home'': technology to support independent living in older adults. Dublin City Learning Festival. Dublin City University.
- Timon CM, Keogh O, Heffernan E, H Lee H, Hussey P, Murphy C and Smeaton A.F. (2022) The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology for identification of eating events in an older adult population, a proof of concept study. Proceedings of Nutrition Society, Sheffield, UK (in press)
- Timon CM (2022) Technology supported nutrition interventions in cancer research. The 58th IACR Annual Conference. Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, Cork, Ireland.
- Timon CM (2021) An overview of the NEX project – using IoT technology to support older adults to live independently. Engaging Ageing '21 Conference - The Future of Ageing and the Silver Economy Age Friendly University Conference (Virtual)
- Brennan L, Sadeghi F, O’ Neill L, Guinan E, Smyth L, Sheill G, Smyth E, Doyle SL, Timon CM, et al. (2022) Telehealth Delivery of a Multi-Disciplinary Rehabilitation Programme for Upper Gastro-Intestinal Cancer: ReStOre@Home Feasibility Study. Cancers (Basel). 2022 May 30;14(11):2707.DOI: 10.3390/cancers14112707
- Corrigan, C., Staines, A., McGettrick, G., O’Donnell, K., Healy, A., Burke, T., 2021. Traumatic Brain Injury: Epidemiology and Rehabilitation in Ireland. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 102, e40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2021.07.581
- Das, S., Hussey, P., 2022. Development of an Interoperable-Integrated Care Service Architecture for Intellectual Disability Services: An Irish Case Study, in: Paul, S., Paiva, S., Fu, B. (Eds.), Frontiers of Data and Knowledge Management for Convergence of ICT, Healthcare, and Telecommunication Services, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77558-2_1
- Hussey, P., Das, S., Farrell, S., Ledger, L., Spencer, A., 2021. A Knowledge Graph to Understand Nursing Big Data: Case Example for Guidance. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 53, 323–332. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12650
- Staines, A., O’Farrell, A., Healy, A., O’Donnell, K., McGettrick, G., Bourke, T., Johnson, H., Corrigan, C., 2021. Accuracy of identification of traumatic brain injuries in routine hospital data. European Journal of Public Health 31, ckab165.642. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab165.642
- Timon, C.M., Heffernan, E., Kilcullen, S.M., Lee, H., Hopper, L., Quinn, J., McDonald, D., Gallagher, P., Smeaton, A.F., Moran, K., Hussey, P., Murphy, C., 2022. Development of an Internet of Things Technology Platform (the NEX System) to Support Older Adults to Live Independently: Protocol for a Development and Usability Study. JMIR Research Protocols 11, e35277. https://doi.org/10.2196/352

Presidents Awards for Research & Research Impact 2022
Presidents Awards for Research & Research Impact 2022
In May, Dr Tanya Cassidy was awarded the DCU President’s award for Research Impact.
Tanya’s research helped to establish milk banks in Canada, Poland and Malaysia, and provided support for the establishment of milk banks in Vietnam and Australia. Here in Ireland she has worked very closely with the milk bank in Northern Ireland and has helped to establish a depot at University Maternity Hospital Limerick (UMHL) which houses the only unit in the Republic of Ireland. Breastfeeding is also increasingly being recognized for its planetary health benefits in terms of the climate change associated effects in producing dairy based formula milk products. Despite this breastfeeding is often unrecognised and undervalued and in certain societies is even stigmatised.
Tanya’s work has had a significant impact in increasing knowledge and awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding for women and babies globally through her important interdisciplinary historical and cultural research on this topic over the past 15 years. Her work has had a profound impact beyond academia.
This is the 4th time since the inception of this award 4 years ago that an academic in the school of nursing, psychotherapy and community health has received this award. I think this demonstrates that our research has real work value and its impact reaches well beyond academia. Congratulations to Tanya.

Dr Emily Lockwood and supervisors Dr Daniela Lehwaldt and Dr Mary Rose Sweeney pictured at Emily’s recent PhD Graduation
Research Student Updates
Emily Lockwood defended her PhD thesis in December 2021. The title was " An Exploration of the Levels of Clinical Autonomy Amongst Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Ireland ".The supervisors were Daniela Lehwaldt and Mary Rose Sweeney. Congratulations to Emily.

Dr Sara McQuinn
Sara McQuinn successfully defended her PhD viva in June. The supervisors were Mary Rose Sweeney, Sarah-Jane Belton and Anthony Staines. The title of the thesis was 'The Girls Active Project: co-design and feasibility of a school based physical activity intervention'. Congratulations to Sara.
Supervisor |
Student |
Project Title |
Dr Keith Rochfort |
David Solola (PBM3) |
Investigation of biological interactions with compostable polymer laboratory consumables. |
Dr Tracey Harrington | Adam Daly (BPY2) | Body modifications following cancer treatment - a systematic review. |
Dr Ray O'Neill | Fatima Mahi (BHS2) | The Race for Mental Health; Racism, Diversity and Cultural Competencies in Irish Mental Health Training and Practice. |
Dr Liz Hartnett |
Oonagh Grogan (BNID2) |
Needs assessment; health screening for people with disabilities. Summer internship: focused research tasks exploring aspects of barriers to accessing national health screening for people with disabilities in Ireland. |
SNPCH Research in the media
- Dec 2021 Dr Mary Rose published an RTE brainstorm article on mood and food https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2021/1109/1258792-food-diet-well-being-me…
- Jan 2022, Dr Subhashis Das and Dr Pamela Hussey discuss their ISO Research Grant to find out how their work will establish links between standards and improving healthcare for all https://www.iso.org/news/ref2769.html
- Feb 2022, Dr Susan Kent and co investigators launched the report of the expert review on nursing and midwifery https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/32783-report-of-the-expert-review-bod…;
- February 2022 Dr Catriona Murphy was quoted in a Tech Central story on work she is leading where older adults across Dublin are being invited to trial a new technology system that helps support independent living.
- February 2022 Dr Mary Rose Sweeney, Dr Emily Lockwood, Dr Daniela Lehwaldt. How nursing in Ireland is set for change in the years ahead. advanced nurse practitioners are set to become a more common sight in Irish healthcare settings https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2022/0208/1278494-advanced-nurse-practiti…
- February 2022 Dr Susan Kent and co investigators on their research report launched yesterday and covered in the Irish Times https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/one-in-five-care-home-nursing-di…
- February 2022 Dr. Ray O’Neill appeared on Ireland AM on Virgin Media One discussing a study that has found that over half of us feel like we morph into our mum or dad in our 30s.
- March 2022 Dr Mary Rose Sweeney on NewsTalk FM with Shane Beatty discussing new study revealed the extent of the wide-ranging effects Covid-19 and the lockdowns have had on mental and physical health of residents and staff in residential care homes.
Recorded Radio Link https://t.co/Zo6r9xONhW
Irish Examiner Newspaper https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40839878.html
Independent Newspaper https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/health/physical-health-of-residen…-
- Mary Rose also spoke on Galway FM and Kildare Radio FM and the research was covered in the IThe Herald, The Echo, Breaking News.ie, Dublin People, Echo Live, Kildare Nationalist, Roscommon Herald and Waterford News, Western People, among others.
- April 2002 TechCentral quoted Dr Catriona Murphy in their story on the NEX project, a system which aims to support older adults living independently.
- May 2022 Prof Anthony Staines spoke to Claire Scott at The Irish Mail on Sunday about how face masks may help prevent hepatitis in children.
- May 2022 Prof Anthony Staines and Prof Daniel Carey from the University of Galway wrote about the lack of a plan for ‘Living with COVID’ for The Irish Times.
For further information please contact
Dr Claire Timon claire.timon@dcu.ie
Prof Anthony Staines Anthony.staines@dcu.ie