Postponement of Exams or Assessment
It is recognised that having participated in modules, in exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for you to postpone taking some or all of your assessments during the academic year. You must then take these exams or assessments at the next available opportunity. Each examination session/opportunity requires a separate submission of form and documentation. The next available opportunity is determined by the programme academic structure. If you postpone the final opportunity in the academic session you must register to repeat the relevant modules in the next academic session.
There may be fees implications to doing this. In order to request a postponement, you must complete the R33 form available on the Registry website. Please follow the instructions on the form closely - including what information is required and to whom you should submit your form. Failure to do so may mean your form cannot be considered. All requests for postponement must be submitted no later than two weeks before the assessment/examination session. If circumstances arise following this date, then you should complete an Extenuating Circumstances (R30) form and send this directly to the Student Awards Team in Registry.
Please be assured that whatever you may be going through, there is a network of support within the University in Student Support & Development, the Students’ Union, your Personal Tutor, Year Head or Programme Chairperson.
Further information
E: Examinations@dcu.ie
Registry forms are available here
E: fees@dcu.ie