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Student Support & Development

Semester Two, Week 1 - Your Sexual and Physical Health


Dear Students,
Welcome to our first weekly SS&D newsletter of Semester 2! Hopefully you all had the opportunity to relax over the Christmas break and rebuild your energy for the coming weeks and months. With the days getting longer and the weather picking up, we are focusing on physical well-being this week and providing some tips to help you keep well for the busy weeks ahead. 

Remember there is lots of help in DCU,and SS&D staff are available via Zoom or by phone if you have any queries. If you are unsure who to contact, simply mail and we'll get back to you asap!

Wishing you the very best for the weeks ahead!

Warm Regards,
DCU Healthy is running a weekly webinar series in Semester 2 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) which is free for all students. See details of two upcoming webinars below, both of which focus on physical health and motivation:

Event                                                 Date                 Time                 Event Link

The Psychology of Getting                      19/01/21           13:15 - 13:45          Register here
and Staying Physically Active                                    
(Webinar with Dr Cameron Peers)

Building Movement into your Day          19/01/21           13:15 - 13:45          Register here 
(Webinar with Ciara McCormack PHD
Researcher with SHHP)

For details on more upcoming online events, check out the My DCU events calendar on Loop.


'Healthy students learn better, feel better and are more likely to succeed academically.'

Discover Your Wellbeing  is an interactive online course in the Discover DCU series. 
It takes you through a typical day for a student and suggests
small, practical ways to improve your wellbeing, from nutrition, sleep and exercise to sexual health, smoking and emotional well-being. Complete the course in your own time on DEVELOP.

Experts have identified the small things that are proven to make us all feel better - physically, mentally and emotionally. See our 10 favourite tips in the video below.
For more resources, check out the Wellbeing and Mental Health sections on DEVELOP.
The DCU Health Centre is located on both the Glasnevin and St Patrick's campuses. It is run by the DCU Student Health Service, a team of dedicated Nurses and Doctors who provide health care and advice to DCU students.

Due to the current restrictions, a number of the Health Centre's services are operating remotely but the centre is still open for STI testing and essential examinations.

See full details of the centre's current operations below:
  • GP and Nurse consultations are taking place over the phone - when you phone the centre you will get an appointment to be triaged by the Nurse and a Doctor will call you back. The Doctor can send a prescription to your pharmacy.
  • Most cases can be treated via phone but if the Nurse decides that you need to be physically examined, you will be given an appointment to attend the centre.
  • STI clinics are still taking place every day in the centre from 9:30 - 16:30. If you would like to get checked then phone on the numbers below to book an appointment. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea tests are free of charge for students. If you require further tests, the Nurse will advise you of the costs for these.
The Student Health Service also produce a number of resources which provide helpful medical information and advice. These resources, which include a Sexual Health Guide and Contraception Options Guidecan be found in 'Wellbeing' on DEVELOP.

They have also provided their top self-care tips for anyone currently ill with COVID 19.

To contact the DCU Health Centre please dial 7005143 (Glasnevin) or 700 9215 (St Pat’s).
For more information on Student Support Services visit the SS&D website here.

General Student Advice queries: 

Chat: using the 'Ask' button on My DCU
Email:  to
Phone: 01 700 7165 to speak with a Student Adviser

Events or Workshops:

Engage Award:

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