Student Support & Development - Online Orientation
Online Orientation
Week 7: 4th - 8th November 2019 - Reading Week
(For Faculties with this option)

- Communication
- Mental Health Awareness
- Student Support Services
- Develop a professional relationship with your lecturers and Chairperson if you have not already done so. As the semester moves on, you may wish to seek advice or guidance, so get to know them now. The tips on Email Etiquette may come in handy if you are not used to communicating with professionals - they will also stand to you in the work place in the future, so take a look at them and take the advice on board.
- Take the workshop on Revision Strategies. You will pick up some really good skills, which will make your first exams easier to approach. Register here.
- Take a look at the Student Support Services available at DCU. Ask yourself if any of these could be of benefit to you at this point of your progression in First Year.
- The Counselling Service has developed some really useful Information Leaflets which you can download and read in your own time.
People you need to know in DCU…..
Your Chairperson is the member of Faculty who is charged with looking after your particular programme, regardless of what year you are in. You can discuss any academic or personal issues you may have with them and they will be able to advise you. If you are unsure who your Chairperson is, contact your class rep, school secretary or the Student Advice Centre.
Year Head
Many programmes have Year Heads allocated to their students. Their role is to ensure that students are settling into university and advise students who may be in need of some guidance in academic or personal matters. If you don’t know who your Year Head is, call into your School Office and ask the School Secretary.
If you are ever feeling overwhelmed or unhappy, book an appointment with the Counselling & Personal Development Service. They are there to ensure that all students have someone to talk to in confidence throughout their time at DCU.
The Chaplains on either campus are always available for a confidential chat if you need a quiet word with somebody. Just pop in informally to meet over a cup of coffee.
Students’ Union President
The Students’ Union President is elected by the students of DCU. They are elected to represent the students and to make sure all student opinions are heard. The current SU President is Vito Moloney. His contact details are 01 700 5279 or mail Vito at president@dcusu.ie.
Student Adviser
The Student Advice Centre is located on both the Glasnevin and St Patricks campuses. All students are welcome to drop in and have a chat with one of the Student Advisers throughout their time at university. They will be able to advise and guide you on academic, personal or financial issues. They can also point you in the right direction if you need to speak to several different people for different reasons. There is also a Student Advice Centre in the Henry Grattan Building on the Glasnevin Campus.