Careers Service

Careers with the Irish Language
St Patrick's Campus
Seomra Caidrimh, D Block
Target Audience
All Welcome
Students studying Irish and Irish language speakers
Is registration required?
Free of charge or ticket price
Free of charge
For more information contact
Registration Link
Eímear Nig Oireachtaigh will come from Conradh na Gaeilge to talk about all the different opportunities for careers with the Irish language. These range from the civil service to teaching in America and Canada! You'll also be given tips for how to get a job in Irish, and how to incorporate it into your life outside of your career.
Tiocfaidh Eímear Nig Oireachtaigh ó Chonradh na Gaeilge chun labhairt faoi na deiseanna éagsúla ar fad atá ann do ghairmeacha le Gaeilge. Clúdaíonn siad seo an státseirbhís go dtí teagasc i Meiriceá agus i gCeanada! Tabharfar leideanna duit freisin maidir le conas post a fháil i nGaeilge, agus conas í a thabhairt isteach i do shaol lasmuigh de do ghairm bheatha.