Careers Service
Skills Bootcamp 2024
Target Audience
As below
Anyone who is interested in a skills acceleration program with optional CPD accreditation.
Is registration required?
Registration Link
Skills bootcamp is a fully virtual and free, 6-week skills training programme aimed at students and recent graduates. Our weekly sessions are designed to help you develop your soft skills, build your digital portfolio and allow you to network with fellow students. Out of the six sessions that we are running, five of which have an opportunity for you to undertake a microproject that is endorsed by the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) programme. These sessions will award you with certificates that allow you to redeem CPD points via their website after the event. You will be expected to dedicate an hour for the masterclass sessions, whilst if you opt in to undertake the sessions CPD microproject, you will need to dedicate 3-5 hours of your time per week. |