DCU Virtual Recruitment Fair 2021 Exhibitor Evaluation

Exhibitor Evaluation
Thank you for attending the DCU Virtual Recruitment Fair on 28th September. We value your feedback on how you experienced the Fair as it will help us to plan for future events.
Thank You.
DCU Careers Service Team

GDPR: Safeguarding Your Data

DCU Careers Service (the data controller) treats the protection of the personal data with which it interacts as a key priority and in doing so strives to adhere to best practice in this area.  Information gathered for DCU purposes will be kept on file for up to 2 years from the end of the academic year in which the event takes place. Further information on the management of personal data and DCU's data protection policy is available here.

Your Company Name
Your Name
Job Title
Overall, how would you rate the DCU Virtual Recruitment Fair?
Did you receive all of the information & support you needed before the Fair?
Please tick the top three features you found most useful on the Virtual Recruitment Platform
Company Stall
Chat Text Function
1:1 Video Conversations
Breakout rooms
Live Sourcing
Was the Fair length (12-4 pm) too short, too long or about right?
In your experience, how prepared were students for their interactions with you ( chat, video conversations, breakout rooms)?
How likely are you to recommend DCU Recruitment Fair to Colleagues and or Industry Peers?
Do you have a preference for Fair type, please select one
If the Fair is physically on campus next year what is your preference: General or Sectoral?
Did you require any technical support from Graduateland during the Fair
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