Starting a business - Useful Sources of Information | Careers Service

Starting a Business - Useful Sources of Information

Note: While the number of useful links here may seem daunting, it is very worthwhile to use these excellent information sources to aid your decision on whether to proceed with starting your own business. Of course you can discuss particular issues with a careers advisor here, but undertaking background research first will help you clarify your objectives and chances of success.

Resources within DCU

The Invent Centre in DCU is a state-of-the-art facility, a unique resource which will enable indigeneous industry to grow and thrive. invent will give entrepreneurs a jumpstart to the future. These sites both contain relevant information and links to other relevant site. The Business School in DCU also has useful resources on entrepreneurship. The Alumni Service in DCU may be useful for networking and getting advice from other DCU graduate entrepreneurs. FIONTAR is a cross-disciplinary unit teaching enterprise through Irish at DCU.

Irish Statutory Bodies

Enterprise Ireland is Ireland's enterprise development agency and offers many services for start-up companies including assigning a Development Advisor to help potential entrepreneurs develop their concepts into commercially viable business plans. Forfas is the national Policy and Advisory Board for Enterprise, Trade, Science, Technology and Innovation while the IDA is responsible for attracting new investment in Ireland from overseas. The Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment has a role in developing and implementing enterprise policy and is a very useful source of statutory information and advice.

You could also consider going on a FÁS training course called the Business Appraisal Training Programme. This course allows participants to develop business plans, enhance their technical skills and conduct market research into the viability of their business idea. Part of the course content is to provide participants with assistance in sourcing and accessing the various sources of funding available to people wishing to start their own business

You can create a cost-effective, online presence for your business using the portal site at Ireland's 35 City & County Enterprise Boards are behind the initiative. There is a link to all the boards; your Local Enterprise Board is your first point of contact.

Other Recommended Resources

Shell-Livewire is a UK-based comprehensive young-person's guide to starting your own business. Although some of the content will not be useful for Irish students/graduates, it is still contains a wealth of relevant information. Prospects have useful up-to-date information on the issues concerning starting your own business while a new website starting your own business in Ireland provides specific content for Irish entrepreneurs and the issues they will face in an irish context.