MyCareer: Employer Ts & Cs
DCU Careers Service
Data Protection Notice
Personal data submitted and processed through the MyCareer portal, a portal service offered by DCU Careers Service, will be used to provide you with access to services including Job Postings and Careers Events. Your data will be processed in accordance with DCU Data Privacy Policy.
Your personal data will be shared with the staff and agents of DCU to the extent required for the delivery of services. By continuing to use this portal you are giving your consent to the processing of the personal data supplied by you as outlined above.
Jobs Board Terms & Conditions for Employers and Recruiters
DCU Careers Service is a central point of contact for employers seeking to recruit DCU students and recent graduates (up to 2 years post-graduation) for full and part-time paid opportunities.
We provide the Jobs Board on MyCareer to promote employers and relevant opportunities including graduate programmes, full and part-time roles, summer internships, vacation and freelance work, while ensuring that we are working in the best interest of our students and recent graduates.
For undergraduate student internships, which are an accredited part of the student’s course of study, please contact our INTRA Team. For all other opportunities, please use this Jobs Board.
Our job posting procedures and processes are informed by policies and position statements developed by our professional associations:
- Association of Higher Education Careers Service (AHECS)
- Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (UK and Ireland)
These Terms & Conditions also draw on Irish Employment and Equality legislation; general policies on good practice in promoting Equal Opportunities, Diversity & Inclusion; and compliance with Minimum Wage obligations.
About the Jobs Board:
- Our Jobs Board is provided free of charge.
- Our Jobs Board is self-service. Employers can register to post jobs by going to MyCareer.dcu.ie. Organisation registrations and job postings are reviewed for approval by a member of the Careers Service Team before being posted to the Jobs Board. We aim to approve all jobs within 48 hours of receiving them.
- We advertise roles in good faith and expect Recruiters and Employers to comply with these Terms & Conditions.
- It is the Employer’s responsibility to ensure that all roles submitted for publication must comply with all relevant legislation including Employment, Data Protection and Health & Safety laws. In particular, for overseas opportunities, Employers must ensure that the role is compliant with relevant laws in the jurisdiction where the role is based.
- We only advertise jobs that we deem suitable and relevant to DCU students and recent graduates.
- The DCU Careers Service reserves the right to refuse, omit, edit, alter, suspend, withdraw or otherwise deal with any job posting at its absolute discretion and without explanation or liability.
- Employers must state clearly in each Job Posting whether fees or costs are incurred either as part of the application process or while employed eg. travel, insurance, medical etc.
- For Overseas Employers or Agencies, at our discretion, we may add the following to Job Postings on the Student Portal:
Note from DCU Careers Service: This information is provided in good faith. However, it is essential to check all information at source. We advise applicants to use their own judgement and conduct their own research when selecting potential opportunities, employers or regions. You should check with overseas employers/organisations for full details of your contract as well as all costs relating to the post or programme including flights, accommodation and other travel costs, visas, insurance, placement fees, etc before accepting any offer. For working overseas, we would also recommend that you thoroughly research the region under consideration and check the travel advice about the country or region on the Department of Foreign Affairs website.
Please note: For the duration of the COVID-19 situation, other notices may be included based on Government guidelines.
In certain instances, at our discretion, we may require new organisations to complete an Employer Engagement Form.
- For Remote Working Roles: Please ensure that information regarding the remote nature of the role is clearly stated in the job advertisement. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that relevant legislation is adhered to in terms of the Contract of Employment, Health & Safety, Insurance etc. For overseas companies, please note that Irish Employment Legislation applies for employees based in Ireland.
- Freelance Roles are published at our discretion. We ask that clear information is provided in the job posting on:
- Contract of Service
- Defined job expectations
- Time commitment required / involved
- Remuneration payable
- Employers must supply full contact details including a company-specific email address and link to a live company website, as well as a full job description. Private emails addresses are not accepted.
- Employers must state the closing date for applications. Closing dates for applications may be extended. Please ensure that closing dates are not brought forward. Closing dates and other information advertised on My Career should be in line with corresponding information on your organisation’s website.
- Organisations who are recruiting on behalf of a client company must supply the name of the client company and their website URL in the relevant fields on the Job Posting. This information is for DCU Quality Assurance purposes only - publication of this information on the Jobs Board is at the discretion of the advertiser. However, where possible, we encourage recruiting organisations to make this information visible to students.
- Employers must ensure that the information supplied is true and accurate. Where the opportunity is posted by a Recruitment Agency, the Recruitment Agency must ensure that the information supplied by its client company is true and accurate. If a position has already been published on our Jobs Board directly by the employer concerned, we will not publish the position on behalf of the Recruitment Agency.
- Recruitment Agencies using our Jobs Board should be licensed to recruit in Ireland.
- The contract of employment is between the student/graduate and the employer or client company. The role of the DCU Careers Service is limited to job advertisement only. No applications for positions can be made through DCU Careers Service. DCU Careers Service does not recommend candidates; accept or process CVs or applications; short-list candidates; or participate in the selection and recruitment process in any manner.
- It is the sole responsibility of the employer to ensure that applicants are legally eligible to work in the country advertised.
- If additional or clarifying information is requested and not provided within 7 days, the relevant account or Job Posting will be withdrawn.
- DCU does not accept any liability whatsoever which may arise out of the content of any Job Posting.
- DCU does not accept any responsibility or liability for the performance and/or behaviour of students and graduates either during the application process or when appointed/employed.
- DCU will not be liable for any loss, damage or delay arising from the delivery of services to promote an employer or their opportunities.
- The Jobs Board on the MyCareer platform provides the facility to simultaneously publish the role on the gradireland website by ticking the ‘Yes’ option under ‘Request vacancy appears on gradireland:’ on the Job Posting.
We accept the following job postings:
- Positions with an immediate start date.
- Positions suited to undergraduate, postgraduate and research/PhD students.
- Positions suited to Postdoctoral Research Fellows / Contract Research Staff.
- Funded opportunities for prospective students on masters and doctoral programmes or for current Masters and Doctoral students, such as scholarships and studentships.
- Positions suited to candidates with industry experience.
- Paid work experience and summer internships (excluding mandatory college placements as part of degree course – INTRA Internships). Please visit dcu.ie/intra for information about DCU’s INTRA Programme.
- Undergraduate placements that are not suited to INTRA.
- Paid vacation and part-time work that complies with minimum wage legislation.
- Specific positions published by Recruitment Agencies on behalf of a client company, where relevant details of the client company (client company name and web address) are supplied to DCU Careers Service. This information is for DCU quality purposes only and is published at the discretion of the Recruiting Agency. However, where possible, we encourage recruiters to make this information available to students.
- Suitable volunteering opportunities for bona fide local registered charities, where the role provides relevant experience for DCU students/graduates.
- International volunteering and development work opportunities, where the organisation providing the opportunities is a registered member of Comhlámh and displays the Comhlámh symbol on their website.
We do not accept the following postings on our Jobs Board:
- Positions that present a direct risk to the health and well-being of students and graduates.
- Job Postings that are not legal, that promote or endorse illegal activity or that contravene Equality, Diversity and Inclusion guidelines.
- Job Postings where the information provided is incomplete, unclear, misleading or deemed unsuitable by DCU Careers Service.
- Unpaid positions, including unpaid internships, or roles that contravene Minimum Wage legislation.
- Job Postings that are deemed to be discriminatory.
- Generic advertisements for recruitment agencies.
- Job Postings submitted by and/or containing personal or generic email accounts eg. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo etc.
- Roles that require the taking of medication or other forms of treatment eg. drug trials.
- Opportunities posted by Recruitment Agencies where client company details are not supplied to DCU Careers Service.
- Au pair or baby-sitting services.
- Job Postings by a private individual or where the employee is expected to work in an employer’s private residence.
- Commission-only or pyramid schemes.
- Positions where students are expected to pay for services or require an unreasonable financial outlay.
- Positions that are deemed unsuitable or irrelevant to DCU students and graduates.
- Positions that involve writing academic course-related materials which may be used by other students.
- Job Postings that require any identifiable documents at application process stage such as passport, birth certificate, PPS Number etc. Companies should not require students/graduates to supply a photograph at application stage. This is not usual in our jurisdiction and is under advice from our Professional Body (CIPD) and under GDPR Guidelines and Procedures.
Note: Events (including recruitment/training-related events), Courses, Training Sessions or Workshops are not advertised on our Jobs Board. Where appropriate, these can be advertised through other Careers Service channels. Please contact careers@dcu.ie for details.
At our discretion, we may require some companies to complete an Employer Engagement Form including, but not limited to, companies advertising positions at Summer Camps, Work Abroad programmes, etc.
DCU Careers Service reserves the right to amend or replace this policy without giving prior notice.
For further information, please contact careers@du.ie.
Updated July 2020