DCU Civic Engagement Books
Higher education’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Building a more sustainable and democratic future.

Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Comparative Perspectives
by Lorraine McIlrath (Editor), Ann Lyons (Editor), Ronaldo Munck (Editor)

The Local Mission of Higher Education: Principles and Practice
The Local Mission of Higher Education: Principles and Practice
edited by: Sjur Bergan, Ira Harkavy and Ronaldo Munck.
The Local Mission of Higher Education is available on Amazon

Higher Education and Community-Based Research - Creating a Global Vision
by Ronaldo Munck (Editor), Lorraine McIlrath (Editor), Budd Hall (Editor), Rajesh Tandon (Editor)
Academic Articles
DCU in the Community Research Papers

The DCU in the Community Research Papers series addresses issues of concern to the community where a research perspective can be translated into practical action.
It seeks to engage with critical thinking- from wherever it might emerge- and promote empowerment through research. The views expressed here are purely those of the authors.
- The Value of Civic Engagement in Higher Education: An Irish Case Study. ISBN: 978-1-873769-35-5
- Community Safety in Ballymun. Shangan, Coultry and Whiteacre Crescent. ISBN: 978-1-873769-36-2
- Student Volunteering in the Community:Results and Prospects. ISBN: 978-1-873769-37-9
- Community Organisations in the Ballymun Whitehall Area. ISBN: 978-1-873769-74-4
- Service Users in the Ballymun Area. ISBN:978-1-873769-75-1
- What is Engaged Research? ISBN: 978-1-911669-47-0
- Higher Education, Development and Partnerships: STEM Education and Community-Based Learning in Vietnam. Authors: Phan Nguyen Ai Nhi, Joanna Ozarowska, Minh Nguyen and Ronaldo Munck. ISBN: 978-1-911669-64-7