Counselling & Personal Development Service
External Agencies & Supports
On this page you have a listing of a range of external Mental Health agencies and websites.
Simply click on the link that is of interest to you.
For external counselling & support services please scroll to the end of this page.
- Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) follows a Twelve Step recovery programme based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. For online and face-to-face meetings information click https://www.addictiveeatersanonymous.org/meetings.
- Al Anon Family Groups offers understanding and support for families and friends of problem drinkers in an anonymous environment, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
- Alateen is part of the Al-Anon fellowship and is for young people, aged 12 - 17 inclusive, who are affected by a problem drinker. Alateen members share their ideas and experience in order to gain a better understanding of alcoholism. Alateen groups are sponsored by two adult Al-Anon members.
- Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
- www.askaboutalcohol.ie A HSE website with information on alcohol usage and helpful resources.
- Ahead Association for Higher Education Access and Disability, promotes access to an participation in higher education for students with disabilities
- Amen is a voluntary group providing a confidential helpline, support service and information, for male victims of domestic abuse.
- Aoibhneas Women's Refuge provides a drop-in service and practical and emotional support to women and children experiencing domestic violence.
- Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland provides information and support for all affected by Asperger Syndrome in Ireland.
- Aware provides information and support to individuals and families affected by depression.
- Bodywhys provides a range of support services for people affected by eating disorders, including specific services for families and friends.
- Cáirde is a community development organization working to tackle health inequalities among ethnic minority communities by improving ethnic minority access to health services, and ethnic minority participation in health planning and delivery.
- Co-Dependents Anonymous a 12-step mutual support group whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.
- Cocaine Anonymous Ireland is a mutual support group for anyone who wants to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances (including alcohol and other drugs) is welcome.
- Crisis Pregnancy Services is a planning and coordinating body established to formulate and implement a strategy to address the issue of crisis pregnancy in Ireland.
- Detect provides a rapid comprehensive assessment service for individuals who may be experiencing a first episode of psychosis.
- Drink Aware raises awareness about alcohol consumption by providing hints, tips, facts, campaigns and publications.
- Drugs.ie drug and alcohol information and support
- Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a national organisation offering a wide range of services to women and men who are affected by rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment or childhood sexual abuse. The services include a national 24-hour helpline, one to one counselling, court accompaniment, outreach services, training, awareness raising and lobbying. Our aim is to offer help and support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence of any kind.
- Dyslexia Association of Ireland lobbies for the provision of appropriate services by the state to all people with dyslexia. It provides a free information service to the public. Services offered include: psycho-educational assessment of children and adults, group and individual specialised tuition, teachers' courses, summer schools, speakers for schools and parents groups.
- Focus Ireland responds to the needs of people out-of-home and those at risk of becoming homeless. They provide emergency transitional and long-term accommodation for people out-of-home.
- Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from gambling.
- Grow is a mental health organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering, from mental health problems. Members are helped to recover from all forms of mental breakdown, or indeed, to prevent such happening.
- Headspace.com Meditation on-line
- Health Promotion is a Health Services Executive website dealing with topics such as alcohol, smoking, breastfeeding, young people, mental health, drugs, sexual health and health literacy.
- Irish Association of Suicidology of Ireland A forum for all individuals and voluntary groups involved in any aspect of suicidology for the exchange of knowledge gained from differing perspectives and experiences.
- Irish Council for International Students an independent organisation advocating for the rights of international students in Ireland. This site provides information and advice on studying in Ireland and explains our activities and advocacy work around International Education. You can also discover more about the Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme.
- Irish Family Planning Association The IFPA is a charitable organisation, which, guided by our vision and mission statement , provides sexual and reproductive health information, clinical services, counselling services, education, training and awareness raising.
- Irish Refugee Council The Irish Refugee Council (IRC) is a membership-based, independent non-governmental organization which advocates on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees.
- Inspire Ireland Foundation is a charitable organisation that helps young people lead happier lives. Inspire Ireland achieves its mission through the delivery of ReachOut.com; an online service to help young people aged 16-25 get through tough times.
- Jigsaw is a national centre which provides support and advice on youth mental health, with thirteen Jigsaw services throughout Ireland.
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other stay clean.
- National Counselling Service (NCS) is a counselling service for people over 18 years of age who have been abused (emotional, physical, sexual or neglect) in childhood.
- One in Four offers a voice to and support for women and men who have experienced sexual abuse and/or sexual violence and also to their family and friends.
- Mental Health Ireland provides an Information service on issues relating to mental health and mental illness through information fact-sheets, its website and directly by telephone, post and email. Undertaking research on mental health topics, and organising conferences, courses, workshops and seminars on a wide variety of issues relating to mental health
- OCD Ireland provides information and useful resources for OCD, Trichotillomania & Body Dysmorphic Disorder sufferers in Ireland.
- One Family is a leading national organisation for one-parent families in Ireland. Progressing the work of Cherish, we work with all types and all members of one-parent families, respecting the realities of family life in Ireland, to affect positive change and achieve equality and social inclusion for all one-parent families in Ireland. We aim to provide high-quality, much-needed services to the many different one-parent families in Ireland and the professionals working with them.
- Outhouse is the resource and community centre for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities in Dublin.
- Overeaters Anonymous (OA) offers a program of recovery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps of OA. OA charges no dues or fees; it is self-supporting through member contributions.
- Papryus (UK) resources and support for those dealing with suicide, depression or distress – particularly teenagers and young adults.
- Parent Line offer support, guidance and information on all aspects of being a parent.
- Positive Options is a crises pregnancy service providing information about support and options available.
- www.quit.ie - A HSE website with information and helpful supports to help quit smoking.
- ReachOut.com offers comprehensive and in-depth information on mental health issues for young people. It also provides a safe space where young people can engage with each other on issues that really affect them – from drugs and alcohol to suicide and self-harm, from exam stress to bullying.
- Samaritans provides confidential non-judgmental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
- Shine Online is the national organisation dedicated to upholding the rights and addressing the needs of all those affected by enduring mental illness including, but not exclusively, schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder and bi-polar disorder, through the promotion and provision of high-quality services and working to ensure the continual enhancement of the quality of life of the people it serves.
- Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A.) is a Twelve Step fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. The only qualification for S.L.A.A. membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. S.L.A.A. is supported entirely through the contributions of its membership, and is free to all who need it.
- Spun Out information on a range of issues including LGBTI+, Sex & Relationships and Mental Health
- Student Depression A website whose aim is to present depression in a way which positions those affected by it with options, strategies and empowerment to resist its effects in their lives.
- The National Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders (NCP-ED) is a collaborative initiative between the HSE, the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, and BodyWhys - the national support group for people with eating disorders.
- Threshold We are a registered charity whose aim is to secure a right to housing, particularly for households experiencing the problems of poverty and exclusion.
- Turn2me.org Provides a three tiered approach to supporting mental wellbeing; self help peer support and professional support through online counselling for people over 18 years old.
- www.teni.ie Transgender Equality Network Ireland - offers information and resources pertaining to transgender experiences
- Victim Support Crime Victims Helpline is a National Helpline which offers support to victims of crime in Ireland. The aim is to support, inform and empower victims of crime and all those affected by crime.
- Women's Aid An organisation providing direct services and training on the issue of violence against women. Services provided include appropriate support to women and children who are experiencing abuse.
- Yourmentalhealth.ie is a place to learn about mental health, and how to support yourself and the people you love
External Counselling Services
If you are seeking an external counsellor/psychotherapist here are professional bodies which can help provide you with contact information to professional & accredited practitioners.
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Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy |
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Irish Council for Psychotherapy |
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The Psychological Society of Ireland |
For a link to External Counselling and Support Services please click here
For a link to HSE Adult Mental Health Services, Addiction, Eating Disorders, ADHD and Autism Services and Supports in Ireland please click here