IRC GOI Scheme 2021

2021 IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme

The 2021 Irish Research Council Government of Ireland (GOI) scheme is now open with a closing date for applications (to be submitted via the online system) of 4pm Irish time on Thursday 29th October 2020.

Applications are accepted in any discipline from new entrants and continuing research students. Note that applications of an interdisciplinary nature that cross the boundaries between different fields of research are strongly welcomed.

While the majority of scholarships will be awarded to EU applicants, a proportion of scholarships will also/only be made to exceptional non-EU applicants - see clause 4 in Appendix 11 (page 17) of the Terms and Conditions.

Academic supervisors who are not currently supervising an IRC student will need to be pre-registered on the online system (email to do so).

Eligibility Quiz

Applicants must ensure when they begin the eligibility quiz that they then click 'Continue to application' and then immediately 'Save Draft' before closing the application window. (See instructions on pages 8&9 of the Guide for Applicants). When populating the application, never use the 'back' button at any stage.

Use of gender in application:

Applications should be gender blind so gender should not be identified (as much as is possible). Supervisors and Referees should make sure their submissions are gender blind.


  • GSO supporting documentation


Please confirm the School you are currently registered with or will be registering with 

Tora details for Supervisors

  • IRC supporting documentation


AHSS stream: general advice/feedback from 2020 GOI scheme

STEM stream: general advice/feedback from 2020 GOI scheme

IRC website 

Evaluation criteria

Terms and Conditions

Guide for Applicants


The relevant deadlines are as follows:

1. The deadline for FAQs (address to is Thursday 22nd October 2020 (Applications to go on TORA by the same date).

2. The deadline for applications to the scheme is exactly 4pm (Irish time) on Thursday 29th October 2020.

3. The deadline for supervisor, referees and mentor submissions is exactly 4pm (Irish time) on Thursday 5th November 2020.

4. The closing date for endorsement by the research office of the proposed host institution is exactly 4pm (Irish time) on Thursday 12th November 2020.

Results are expected to be announced at the end of March 2020. Official start date is 1st September 2021.


What the scholarship offers:

Awardees receive an annual package of up to  €24,000 per annum comprising of:

  • A scholarship stipend of €16,000 per annum
  • Fee contribution of up to  €5,505 per annum
  • Research expense fund of  €2,250 per annum

DCU requirement:

Application details must be submitted to TORA prior to endorsement. Supervisors should submit at least 1 week in advance of the funding deadline (by Thursday 22nd October). For details on what to enter  see above or email

The Graduate Studies Office will unfortunately not be in a position to endorse applications that have not been submitted to TORA.


Academic Supervisors/Referees

Applicants can add one Secondary Supervisor to their applications. In the event of joint academic supervision, the applicant must choose one to be the Primary Supervisor (the Secondary Supervisor's involvement can be included in the application in the 'Proposed Research' section).  The Secondary Supervisor is indeed eligible to be one of the applicant's 2 Referees.

Applicants are to select 2 Referees who do not need to pre-register. Neither Referee can be the Primary Academic Supervisor. Once saved to the online application, referees can logon and submit their form to the IRC (before the student has submitted the final application). The Primary Supervisor cannot submit a reference until the applicant has submitted their application form.

All reference forms contribute to the applicant score and environment score.  The Evaluation Criteria gives a good indication of where marks lie. It is helpful if the Referees are enthused about the applicant, project and fit. Assessors use the references (so it is a good idea that they are written with consideration).

The IRC will not enter into written or telephone correspondence with individual applicants. In the first instance, applicants should email the Graduate Studies Office at for information and clarification on the call. 

Applications are only accepted via the online system.

All GOI scholarships are to commence on 1st September 2021. Non-EU applicants must satisfy DCU's english language entrance requirements: (Duolingo is a possible alternative to IELTS/TOEFL for 2020-21 academic year).


To confirm:

Applicants to the GOI scheme will have a Primary Supervisor (and can add one Secondary Supervisor who can also be a referee),  and 2 Referees.