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Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Why the Change?

The world is a complex and volatile place, and the future is uncertain. DCU wants to make sure our graduates are ready for the future, whatever it brings. They need to be able to innovate, create, collaborate, think critically and solve complex problems, will be vital. Our ambition is to promote students’ personal agency and give them the competence, confidence and conviction to pursue a career they have reason to value.  DCU Futures is the blueprint for how we will achieve this.


Preparing our students to find their way

The rationale for change...

  • Trends related to increasing career mobility
  • International reports (OECD, WEF, UNESCO etc.)
  • Calls from national bodies, think-tanks, employers (IBEC, Enterprise Ireland)
  • Need for skills that compliment new technologies and changing workplaces
  • Ensure ongoing differentiation from automation and A.I.
  • Cultivate personal agency for engaged citizenship and translational impact
  • Navigate disruption in higher education to ensure institutional sustainability
  • Identifying, consolidating and scaling good practice internally
  • Reaffirm DCU as an innovative force in HE