DCU Musicology Seminar Series 2025
The School of Theology, Philosophy and Music, Dublin City University, are delighted to announce the 2025 Musicology Seminar Series. All are welcome to attend the research seminars, which will take place on Wednesdays, 5pm–6.30pm, in Room PG01, Purcell House, All Hallows Campus, DCU (Information on travel to the All Hallows Campus can be found here).
12 February: Dr Linda Adams (Dublin City University)
Title: The Maths of Music: How statistics and probability shape our listening experiences
19 February: Professor Karen Desmond (Maynooth University)
Title: Introducing BROKENSONG: Fragmentary Manuscripts and the Reconstruction of Insular Musical Communities, c. 1150 to c. 1350
05 March: Dr Seán Doherty, Kevin Boushel and Laura Sheils (Dublin City University)
Title: Éirí na Gréine: Perspectives on Irish Choral Music
12 March: Dublin City University Postgraduate Student Seminars
Speakers: Holly Woods and Rodrigo Almonte
26 March: Dr Ailbhe Kenny (Mary Immaculate College)
Title: Seeking Asylum, Sounding Asylum
2 April: Professor Harry White (University College Dublin)
Title: Amongst Women: Gender, Reception History and the European Composer