Studying Abroad with a Disability

Studying Abroad
DCU Students - Erasmus/Exchange Programmes
We encourage you to thoroughly research your chosen college/university and make contact with the Disability Service (or equivalent) within the institution to discuss what supports you could avail of while there. Please be aware that supports you have received in DCU may differ from those provided in your visiting institution so it is important to make contact with your host institution as soon as possible to clarify this.
There is an Erasmus+ Grant which provides additional funding to students with a disability who wish to travel abroad - please see the link below for more information
We are happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have regarding going abroad – please email us on disability.service@dcu.ie to arrange a meeting.
While you are away we will maintain regular contact with you to ensure you are appropriately supported.
Visiting Students to DCU
All students wishing to avail of academic supports while studying in DCU must register with the Disability & Learning Support Service.
As an international student you are encouraged to contact the Disability & Learning Support Service in advance of accepting your place in DCU so we can advise you of the types of supports which are available.
DCU provides a range of reasonable accommodations for all students registered with the Disability & Learning Support Service in line with current legislation and best practice. However, please be advised that supports you may have received in your home institution may differ from those provided in DCU.
Evidence of your disability is also required in order to register with the Disability & Learning Support Service – the types of evidence accepted can be found HERE. Please note that the evidence of disability must be provided in English, and if not originally in English must be translated by a professional translator.
Students travelling on Erasmus should apply for funded supports in their home country and/or home university in advance of arrival to DCU.
Useful Links:
Erasmus+ Grant – Provides additional funding for students with a disability to assist them in their Erasmus Programme HERE
Erasmus Student Network – which links students on Erasmus programmes HERE
AHEAD – information for students with disabilities considering travelling abroad to study HERE