Service Dogs
Recognised under Irish Law, a Service Dog/Animal is defined as a highly trained dog that has been specifically trained to assist a person with a disability.
For an animal to be recognised as a Service Dog it must be fully trained and registered with one of the following or an international equivalent:
- Irish Guide Dogs For The Blind
- Dogs For The Disabled (Cork)
- Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland
- My Canine Companion
- Canine Partners (UK)
- Dog A.I.D. (UK)
- Guide Dogs UK
- Hearing Dogs For Deaf People (UK)
- Medical Detection Dogs (UK)
- Support Dogs (UK)
- International Guide Dog Federation
Students must inform the Disability & Learning Support Service of their intention to attend college with their Service Dog/Animal and have it noted upon signing up to the Disability and Learning Support Service.
Campus Accommodation:
If a student requires their Service Dog/Animal to reside with them in Campus Accommodation, they must contact campus.accommodation@dcu.ie with as much advance notice as possible to discuss their options.
Emotional Support Dogs/Animals
Such dogs are not currently recognised under Irish Law, and as a result, are not allowed on University Campuses.