IoE Professional Development

Professional Development

Current Courses

Induction Course for Teachers of Pupils with Severe to Profound General Learning Disabilities 2023/24

The School of Inclusive and Special Education, DCU Institute of Education, will deliver an in-service induction course designed for teachers of pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Disabilities at the request of the Department of Education (DE).

Course Aims

To increase teachers’ confidence and competence in appropriate and effective assessment, planning and teaching for learners with severe to profound general learning disabilities (SPGLD). To build on knowledge and experience through a collaborative approach to professional development, in order to enact effective and inclusive practice.

Structure of Course

Part 1: 15th April to April 19th 2024 (3 days on campus and 2 online)

Part 2: 1st - 3rd May 2024 (2 days on campus and 1 online)

The Teacher Section of the Department of Education (DE) has agreed to fund:
a substitute teacher in place of each teacher attending the course  

Substitute cover is allowed depending on approval of Boards of Management.


Teachers with a current teaching role with learners with a severe to profound general learning disability (who have not previously attended) are eligible to apply once they can attend on dates outlined both online and on campus.

Learning Outcomes
  • To demonstrate an understanding of severe to profound general learning disabilities, co-occurring conditions and disabilities and implications for educational support at different levels (pupils, teacher, class and school community)
  • To identify and discuss appropriate assessment, to inform planning for learning in areas of cognition, communication and language and personal and social development.
  • To demonstrate skills in developing pupil profiles, including the identification of priority areas of pupil strength and areas for development.
  • To identify, discuss and share appropriate, evidence based teaching methodologies, strategies and resources.
  • To foster an understanding of person centered approaches to supporting the learner through pupil voice, wellbeing and collaboration amongst staff.
  • To identify direct and indirect functional behaviour assessment methods, implement components of a functional assessment and develop a behaviour support plan.

Closing Date for Applications: Closing Date for applications: Friday February 9th 2024, 5pm

Application Form »

Further Enquiries
email: | phone: 01-8842042

Following on from the course I now focus on what the child can do instead of focusing on what he/she can’t do. From the sessions on the course I now know that the children in my class can make progress.

Previous Courses