IoE Success in IRC COALESCE Research Fund - Dr. Catherine Maunsell and Dr. Ashling Bourke

IoE Success in IRC COALESCE Research Fund

Congratulations to Dr. Catherine Maunsell and Dr. Ashling Bourke, both from the School of Human Development, who received an award of €100,000 for the TEACH-RSE study on Teacher Professional Development and Relationships and Sexuality Education RSE.  TEACH-RSE is the first of its kind, in an Irish context, to examine the preparation of primary and post-primary teachers to teach RSE. An important objective of this project is the shaping of national, and international, educational policy and practice priorities in teacher professional development for RSE.

COALESCE is a new Irish Research Council IRC fund for research that addresses national and global societal challenges.  The award for the TEACH-RSE study was co-funded by the Health Services Executive HSE: Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme.

Overall, four projects led by DCU academics were successful in the 2018 call. 

Along with the IoE academics, the following DCU colleagues received project funding:

DCU IRC Coalesce Awardees March 2019

DCU Awardees -pictured (l-r) Pamela Gallagher, Anne Mathews, Tanya Ní Mhuirthile, Catherine Maunsell, Ashling Bourke

Professor Pamela Gallagher (School of Nursing and Human Sciences) received a grant of €120,000 for her two year project entitled 'Designing for Enhanced Participation through Technology in Higher Education - The DEPTH Study' 

Professor Anne Matthews (School of Nursing and Human Sciences) was awarded a grant of €350,000 for a three year project 'Enhancing evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi', This award was co-funded by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the co-Principal Investigator is Professor Ellen Chirwa (as co-PI) from University of Malawi. 

Dr. Tanya Ni Mhuirthile (School of Law and Government) with Professor Anthony Staines and Dr. Mel Duffy, both from the School of Nursing and Human Sciences received a grant of €200,000 for a project which focused on ' Mapping the Lived Experience of Intersex in Ireland'. 

Congratulations to all.