Prof. James O'Higgins Norman with President of DCU Daire Keogh and Prof. Peter K. Smith (Goldsmith College)
Prof. James O'Higgins Norman with President of DCU Daire Keogh and Prof. Peter K. Smith (Goldsmith College)

New book edited by DCU UNESCO Chair explores global research on bullying

The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Bullying, a new book edited by DCU UNESCO Chair on School Bullying and Cyberbullying, Prof. James O'Higgins Norman, and Professor Peter K. Smith of Goldsmith College, explores the latest research and theory on bullying from 180 researchers from across the globe. 

Bullying is an issue that impacts the lives and wellbeing of people from all social backgrounds and genders, and this two-volume book highlights the complexities of identifying and dealing with bullying in schools, colleges, dating situations, sports settings, workplaces, prisons, families and care homes.

Containing contributions from leading scholars on five continents, the book summarizes the latest theories, findings, developmental aspects, and interventions relevant to bullying in a variety of settings. Its editors hope this new book will be a resource to anyone interested in studying how bullying occurs across society as well as developing education and resources to tackle the problem.


Prof. James O'Higgins Norman holds the UNESCO Chair on Tackling Bullying in Schools and Cyberspace and is Director of DCU National Anti-Bullying Centre.

Peter K. Smith is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths University of London, England. He is the lead author of the Sixth Edition of Understanding Children's Development.