Examination Information - julian 4

How to Contact Us

Here to Help

The DCU Exam Support Centre will be available during the exam period.  There are three methods of contacting us:

Via the exam support form: www.dcu.ie/examform 
Via phone at +353 1 700 6151 or
Email at examsupport@dcu.ie

On Campus Exams

On Campus Exams

All on campus exams will be clearly indicated on your timetable as follows: 

  • The venue will state “ ON CAMPUS” followed by a Room Number
  • The Campus will be indicated on the timetable i.e. Glasnevin Campus (GLA) or St. Patrick's Campus (SPC)

Please find below campus maps to assist you: 

Glasnevin Campus Map

St. Patrick's Campus Map

Online Exams


Ensure you check your exam timetable carefully for date, time and exam number.  All online exams will be clearly indicated on your timetable as follows: 

1) Zone will be blank

2) Building and room will state either online sync or alternative platform

No allowances are made if you make a mistake reading your exam timetable.