Primary Department
School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music
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Room Number
AHC S204
Academic biography
John O'Flynn is Professor of Music at DCU where he teaches courses in popular music, film music, music sociology, intercultural music transmission, choral and group performance, and solfege/musical techniques, and also supervises student research to doctoral level. Between 1999-2008 he was lecturer in music at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, and from 2008-2016 he was senior lecturer and Head of Music at St Patrick's College, DCU. He was programme leader for BA Music and directed the MA in Music at DCU from 2016-2020. He is recipient of research fellowships from The Irish Research Council (2008), An Foras Feasa (2011) and St Patrick's College (2015), and of awards for excellence in teaching and learning from Mary Immaculate College (2007) and the Shannon Consortium of HE institutions (2008). He was President of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (2021-2024), founding chair of the Society for Music Education in Ireland (2010-2014), and served on the Council of Heads of Music in Higher Education (2008-2021) in various roles, including chair. He is a long-serving member of the international editorial board of Music Education Research, advisory board member for both Irish Musical Studies (Boydell and Brewer) and Performance Research Ireland (Peter Lang), and is general editor for the book series Studies in Irish Music Education (Cork University Press). To date he has a total of eight books and edited volumes published, and has written numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and encyclopaedia entries. As research supervisor/mentor he is involved with several externally funded postgraduate and postdoctoral projects (EI, IRC, MSCA). He has delivered keynote addresses and conference papers in Europe, the Americas and Asia, has acted as external examiner for several institutions in Ireland and the UK, and regularly carries out academic review work and various consultancy roles for Irish, UK and EU agencies. He curates and promotes concerts at DCU, including the Lunchtime Concert Series since 2016, while from 2013-2021 he managed the annual Fidelio Trio Winter Chamber Music Festival. He is also active as a choral conductor and baritone recitalist.Research interests
Film music and sound; music and decolonisation; popular music; music in Ireland; intercultural music practices; music and identity; choral music and inclusion; music ethnography; music in higher education.
Current monograph project: Empires of Sound: Music and Colonial Encounters in 20th-Century Narrative Film (Palgrave Macmillan).