DCU raises over €16,000 in the Barretstown: Climb Every Mountain Challenge
12 DCU teams have raised over 16,000 euro by participating in the Barretstown Climb Every Mountain Challenge.
Physical activity, friendly competition and fundraising for a great cause came together at DCU this summer with the Barretstown Climb Every Mountain Challenge. 12 DCU teams composed of both single individuals and larger teams participated in DCU's first fundraising activity as part of our strategic charity partnership with Barretstown. The result was a fundraising effort that generated over €16,000.
This virtual challenge involved selecting a mountain - Kandee, Carauntoohill, Everest and 'Mount Doom' (yes that one is made up). Teams then climbed stairs with a number of storeys corresponding to the height of the mountain. For example:
= 8,848 metres
= 2,528 storeys
(for example that’s 56 storeys of stairs a day, for 45 days!
or a team of 5 people climbing min. 12 storeys a day for 40 days)
Teams virtually fundraised through Just Giving after setting a target and set about getting donations from DCU colleagues and friends, all while tracking the number of storeys they climbed. Some friendly, interdepartmental competition among teams kept ambitions high and the step-climbing active. Well done to all of the teams who participated, but a special mention must go to teams from the Insitute of Education, HR and Prince Anandarajah from the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. Both Prince and an IOE team placed in the top 3 teams across this Barretstown initative.
Barretstown CEO Dee Ahearn said
“We are thrilled to be DCU's chosen charity and delighted with their fundraising achievement while taking part in the Climb Every Mountain Challenge which raised an impressive €16,341. It is a brilliant accomplishment by everyone who took part. DCU’s support is extremely important during these challenging times, when our campers are finding themselves more isolated than ever. We are so very proud of our partnership with DCU and look forward to working with staff and students to help Press Play on childhood for seriously ill children and their families.”
Hear from DCU Barretstown Committee members on their experiences.
Aishling Silke, Placement Coordinator & Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education at DCU Institute of Education said
Late in June DCU agreed to take on the Climb Every Mountain Challenge set by Barretstown and put a call out for participants. That message landed at the doors of the Institute of Education (IoE) and the challenge was accepted. Straight away three teams were formed, team Buttercups, team Roses and team Daisies and all set off on the challenge together as an Institute but also with some friendly competition. Everyone took on to climb the virtual Mount Everest, stories were logged every day and each team's progression was monitored and reported back, not only was everyone climbing stairs and walking but all were busy raising funds too. What's app groups set up and experiences were shared, some were captured in a photo and shared to all, although we could not be physically together each team became close in a virtual way. On our adventures we made new friends, shared the experience with family, our pets enjoyed it too and we took time to appreciate the world around us. At times the road seemed so long but we pushed and pulled each other along. All members of our teams made it to the summit with some team members doing extra to ensure everyone got there. Overall the experience was wonderful a great way to stay fit, stay in touch and raise much-needed funds for Barretstown. The IoE are looking forward to the next challenge.
Ian Bell, Manager of Business Systems and Applications in the IS Services deparmtnet added,
“ISS stepped up... literally. Mary and Lynn were able to cover some distance while Ian spent a bit more time updating the web site.... however a pleasure and for a great cause. With so many DCU staff (and ex staff) providing donations ..These sick children continue to live in lockdown and Barretstown is their and their families' lifeline ... they have harder challenges ahead so anything DCU can do to help .. and we had fun too”
Dr Prince Anandarajah of DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing said
“DCU Photonic Pathfinders: A team of 5 who were thrilled to take part in a tough challenge for a great cause. Enjoyed every moment and was humbled by the amount of support"
The result was a phenomenal €16,341 raised for Barretstown and the families it supports. It also sets the tone for great future success from DCU as we continue to fundraise for Barretstown initiatives.