Counselling & Personal Development
Counselling & Personal Development
The Counselling and Personal Development Service provides a confidential, non-judgemental, professional and free student counselling service to registered DCU undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The service provides one-to-one psychological counselling and specialist input on a wide range of personal, academic, family, social, psychological and mental health issues that hinder a student’s academic performance. This includes support and help at times of immediate crisis.
The service also provides:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) SilverCloud online mental health & wellbeing programmes
- Psychological and Wellbeing Workshops
- Mindfulness based stress reduction resources including podcasts
- Psychological health & wellbeing resources, practices, guidelines, podcasts and information
- Live Wise Book Therapy
- Anonymous reporting tool and support through Speak Out
- Information and links to external agencies and supports
- Information on 'after hour supports' including 24/7 text and helpline services.
The service is staffed by experienced and qualified counselling psychologists and psychotherapists and supported by experienced, trained administrators.
To make an enquiry and/or to register with the service please email counselling@dcu.ie for Glasnevin Campus and spd.counselling@dcu.ie for the St Patrick’s Campus.
Online Mental Health and Wellbeing Programmes For online Mental Health and Wellbeing CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) self help programmes, such as resilience, anxiety, stress, depression, sleep and more, please click on the following link https://www.dcu.ie/counselling/online-mental-health-wellbeing-programmes
Counselling Events Workshops on relationships, distress management, mindfulness, anxiety, stress,low mood, the body project are available For information and/or to register for upcoming events, please click on the following link https://www.dcu.ie/counselling/upcoming-workshops-counselling
After Hours Support To access out of hours support including 24/7 text and phone helplines, please click https://www.dcu.ie/counselling/after-hours-support
Some Student Experiences
“I have suffered with depression and generalised anxiety disorder for many years and never thought to go to counselling until a roommate told me about his experience. Without the help of my counsellor, I don't know where I would be today. Counselling was the crutch I needed during a very dark time in my life and has helped me in so many ways. Without sounding cliché, it literally did change my life and my education has really seen the benefit too. I successfully passed my six repeat exams and I feel ready and motivated to work hard this year." Third-year undergraduate student.
"Counselling really helped me when I was in a bad place emotionally. It gave me coping mechanisms to feel better and helped me deal with my problems. I have been able to get my anxiety under control and to lessen the chronic tension headaches I have been suffering from. As a result, I have been able to complete my PhD write-up." Postgraduate student.
“I experienced some dramatic problems last year and would have had a dramatically poorer outcome had counselling not been available” Second-year undergraduate student.
The Counselling and Personal Development Service, Dublin City University. https://www.dcu.ie/counselling