ERPN - Early Research and Projects Network
We are delighted to introduce you to our newest programme called the Early Research & Projects Network (ERPN) brought to you by CTY Ireland. The aim of this project is to link academically gifted and highly motivated students with tutors who can teach them the art of research and writing. Through self-inspired or prescribed research questions and projects, ERPN enables second level students to begin engaging in projects with a view to presentation and or publication. We started in January 2021 with 50 students in areas of Science and Psychology. In 2022 we expanded the programme to include Creative Writing, Journalism, and Law as well.
Originally we ran the whole programme online but we now offer a successful hybrid programme with access to DCU campus every month to meet tutors and other students. This term ERPN will also be a hybrid programme with some slight changes based on feedback from our students. Meetings will take place on campus in DCU roughly once a month, and there will be online meetings each week on Thursdays. At the end of the term students will get the chance to write up and present their work at a conference or launch during the winter.
Courses on offer this year are Creative Writing, Journalism, Law, Psychology, and Science and the course will start on Saturday 23rd September 2023 and run until December 9th 2023 with most classes taking place weekly from 5:00pm to
6:30pm on Thursdays online, and monthly Saturday meetings from 1pm - 4pm face to face in DCU. Students can do their projects as part of a group or individually. Partners will be assigned for group projects. ERPN is open to secondary school students only. The cost is €500 for the term.
The next term will be running in Autumn 2024. Brochures will be posted out in Summer 2024. A copy of the latest brochure is here. If you would like to find out more information I can be contacted by email at leeanne.hinch@dcu.ie
Dr Leeanne Hinch
Early Research and Projects Network Organiser