Examination Information
Your individual Exam Timetable is available from the Students Apps Page under the Academic, Exam & Placements tab. Check carefully for Campus, Venue, Date, Time and Exam Number.
Your Exam Timetable is now viewable in a calendar format - just like your lecture timetable appears. When viewing your Exam Timetable in advance, make sure to click forward to the dates for the Semester 1, December exams. (9th December - 20th December)
Do not share your timetable with another student. Some Modules may be scheduled in multiple venues. You may not be in the same venue as your classmates.
Module Coordinators will provide details of submission times for other assessment methods.
The majority of exams will take place on campus, with some examinations remaining online. Review your timetable carefully to identify which exams are on campus and which are online.
Campus Based Exams
All on campus exams will be clearly indicated on your timetable as follows:
- The venue will state “ ON CAMPUS” followed by a Room Number.
- The Campus will be indicated on the timetable i.e. Glasnevin Campus (GLA) or St. Patrick's Campus (SPC).
Please find below campus maps to assist you:
Online Exams
Synchronous online exams (which are scheduled, timed online exams that are taken at the same time by every student on the module) will be completed online via Loop.
Synchronous online exams may take the form of a standard exam paper or a quiz style exam. The answers to the exam can be inputted directly online, or submitted when complete via an electronic file.
Students should make themselves familiar with the DCU Examination Regulations.
DCU's Disability & Learning Support Service
DLSS continues to manage the specific arrangements for students who are registered with the DLSS.
Students who normally receive extra time in exams will continue to do so for online synchronous exams.
Find out more about DLSS supports for Exams - On Campus and Online.
Temporary Disability Request
If you have a short term injury which requires assistance please contact examtimetable@dcu.ie
If you have any concerns on the day of your exam contact the
DCU Examination Support Centre by one of the following options:
- Exam support form: www.dcu.ie/examform
- Phone at +353 1 700 6151
- Email at examsupport@dcu.ie
Students are advised to familiarise themselves with the location of exam venues in advance.
What is a Postponement of Assessment?
If you know in advance that you will not be in a position to submit or take your assessment or exam when scheduled then you may request a postponement of assessment/examination through the R33 form. For more information see Postponement of Assessment Submission Portal.
Also carefully read information regarding Resit Examinations. There is a resit fee of €150 associated with Resit examinations.
What if I’m unwell on the day or I’m unable to complete the assessment on the day due to extenuating circumstances - what should I do?
The Extenuating circumstances process allows students to identify specific circumstances, which have had a significant impact on their ability to complete assessment to the best of their ability, for more information see Extenuating Circumstances Submission Portal
Also carefully read information regarding Resit Examinations. There is a resit fee of €150 associated with Resit Examinations.
What if unforeseen events impacted my ability to complete the assessment to the best of my ability?
The Extenuating circumstances process allows students to identify specific circumstances, which have had a significant impact on their ability to complete assessment to the best of their ability, for more information see Extenuating Circumstances Submission Portal
Also carefully read information regarding Resit Examinations. There is a resit fee of €150 associated with Resit examinations.
The ‘DCU Examination Support Centre’ will be in operation throughout the exam period so that you can also avail of ‘live’ guidance on your options.
There are three methods of contacting them:
via the exam support form: www.dcu.ie/examform
via phone at +353 1 700 6151 or
email at examsupport@dcu.ie
Students who have any concerns on the day of the exam can contact the ‘DCU Examination Support Centre’.
The exam support centre will be open on all exam days. There are three methods of contacting them:
via the exam support form: www.dcu.ie/examform
via phone at +353 1 700 6151 or
email at examsupport@dcu.ie
On Campus Examinations
Ensure you check your exam timetable carefully for date, time, exam number and venue. All on campus exams will be clearly indicated on your timetable as follows:
1) The venue will state “ ON CAMPUS” followed by a Room Number
2) The Campus will be indicated on the timetable i.e. Glasnevin Campus
All other exams will take place remotely.
No allowances are made if you make a mistake reading your exam timetable.
- A useful checklist in advance of on campus exams is available here
- Check your examination timetable on student apps page prior to starting your examinations to ensure that you are certain of all dates, times, venues and campus.
You have been assigned a unique anonymous exam number, it is 6 digits long and available when you log in to retrieve your timetable via Student Apps.
IMPORTANT! Please take note of your exam number. All students need to be able to reference their personalised exam number in the exam venue. If you forget this on the day this can be checked with the invigilator.
- Ensure you are familiar with the university's examination regulations
- Check your ID Card is valid and in date and contact Registry if you require a new one. Please ensure you have signed the rear of your ID card.
- Plan your route to your exam venue and allow plenty of time in advance. Campus maps are available here.
It is a requirement that all students bring their current DCU student ID card to all on campus examinations. Please see the Examinations - ID Audit Process which will apply if you do not have a valid student ID Card with you.
Please note that personal belongings or valuables must not be brought into the examination venues as there is no secure storage available. Please secure any personal belongings in your student locker. The University does not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen in the examination venues.
We would like to draw your attention to the Regulations on mobile phones in examination centres. Please note that this policy also covers Smart watches which are not permitted in the exam venues,
Multifactor authentication Process
Students are reminded that your mobile phone cannot not be switched on during your examination. If you will be using a computer to complete your exam you will need your phone with you to complete the multifactor authentication process. Please ensure that you are in front of that computer 15 minutes before the start of the exam to allow you to log into the computer in advance of the examination start.
Once you have logged in successfully to the computer, please switch it off and place it on the floor under your desk. This should be completed before the exam starts. Students cannot access this phone during the course of the exam. If you have any problems with this process please raise your hand to speak to an exam invigilator.
The following exam scenarios will require students to log into a computer ahead of their examinations.
- Students completing an exam in a computer lab on campus
- Students registered with DLSS who will be using a computer lab or laptop to complete their exams
- Students completing an online synchronous exams remotely
Use of Calculators
If your exam requires you to bring your own non-programmable calculator, please ensure that you have it with you in the exam centre before your exam starts. Invigilators do not provide calculators to students.
Online Examinations
You will need access to loop (link to be added shortly) to complete your online synchronous exam. You will need continuous internet access for the duration of the exam. The DCU Exam Support Centre will be available immediately before and during the exams if you have issues of connectivity, etc.
Please see further information provided in the Technical guide for students.
Online Synchronous exams will take place through loop (link to be added shortly)
A small number of exams will not be through Loop and will be taking place on alternative platform. If your exam timetable shows a module as "Alternative Platform" you will receive further information on this exam directly from your lecturer/module coordinator.
If you are experiencing difficulty with your home broadband, you can create a ‘wifi hotspot’ from your mobile phone to your laptop, which will use 4G for internet access;
Share a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot on Android
Share a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot on Apple
In order to Improve connectivity, can we also suggest that you ask others in your household to avoid using Netflix, YouTube etc. for the duration of the exam.
If broadband goes down during the exam, try restarting the broadband router.
Comprehensive technical guidelines (Loop exam / uploading videos / uploading written scripts etc.) can be found in the Technical guide for students.
The recommended approach is to use Microsoft Office Lens. You will be given details of how to use this when provided with the outline of your assessment.
Student Handwritten Exam submission Guide- iOS_Ipad
Student Handwritten Exam Submission Guide- Android
Comprehensive technical guidelines (Loop exam / uploading videos / uploading written scripts etc.) can be found in the Technical guide for students.
Contact the exam support centre which will be open on all exam days. There are three methods of contacting them:
via the exam support form: www.dcu.ie/examform
via phone at +353 1 700 6151 or
email at examsupport@dcu.ie
Yes, The DCU Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy continues to apply to this suite of examinations. Ensure you are familiar with this policy and continue to reference any sources you use during your exams and assignments.
DCU Library have a very helpful resource on citing.
A final checklist for online exams is available here
Student Support
We are committed to providing you with welfare, academic and practical support throughout this time.
DCU Student Support and Development have a range of supports available via email, phone and online.
Counselling is being offered online, and students struggling with finances may be able to get some financial assistance through the Student Assistance Fund. If a student has general enquiries and is not sure whom they need to speak to, a member of staff in the Student Advice Centre can advise them as necessary.
- We have some really useful material about preparing for exams and taking care of yourselves before and during exams in the Discover Exam Success course on Loop. You can learn some new learning strategies, find ways of staying calm and get tips on how to give your best performance on the day of the exam.
- You may also find the Discover Assignment Writing section interesting, as you complete your assignments or prepare to answer essay questions in your exams.
- Managing stress and anxiety – Go to loop.dcu.ie | DEVELOP | Mental Health | Stress & Anxiety (A free Silvercloud programme for DCU students)
- On the day of timed online exams or deadlines, we will provide enhanced support for students including a ‘live’ DCU Examination Support Centre.