Faculty Research Committee | Terms of Reference

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Reporting to the Faculty Management Board, the Faculty Research Committee has responsibility for the overall management of research activities and issues of quality relating thereto, and for oversight of research policy developments in the Faculty. To this end the Faculty Research Committee will:

  • Formulate a Faculty Research Strategy;
  • Oversee and evaluate the implementation of the Faculty Research Strategy, making recommendations to the Faculty Management Board as appropriate;
  • Oversee and decide upon matters pertaining to research funding including distribution within the Faculty of the central research budget allocation, research overheads and any other research income that may accrue to the Faculty;
  • Manage Faculty based submissions for funding where appropriate;
  • Monitor research output and quality across the Faculty and make recommendations, where appropriate, to ensure on-going improvement in relevant areas of activity and review on an ongoing basis recommendations arising from the quality review process within the Faculty in so far as they relate to research and make recommendations to the Faculty Management Board in this regard;
  • Bring to the attention of the University Research Committee, Graduate Studies Board or other relevant University body, issues pertaining to research, as appropriate;
  • Respond, on behalf of the Faculty, to University initiatives and relevant structural and procedural developments;
  • Review and update, as appropriate, policies and procedures relating to the recruitment, support, supervision and examination of postgraduate research students;
  • Review and approve Faculty Graduate Training Elements for referral to Graduate Research Studies Board for final approval, in keeping with Faculty and University policies and procedures in this regard;
  • Liaise, as appropriate with other Faculty and University committees.
  • Associate Dean for Research (Chair), ex officio
  • Executive Dean, ex officio
  • Senior Administrative Officer, (Secretary)
  • Faculty Manager, ex officio
  • Faculty Research Development Officer
  • School Research Convenors, ex officio National Research Centre Convenors, ex officio 
  • University Designated Research Convenors, ex officio
  • 1 x representative of technical staff (Elected for a period of three years unless otherwise stated). 
  • 1 x Postdoctoral researcher (This term is one year. The post to rotate to a different School/ Research Centre each year)
  • 1 x Research Postgraduate student (The term is one year. The post to rotate to a different School/Research Centre each year
  • Faculty Research Officer (RIS) is an active member on the Committee and contributes to the Faculty Research Committee
  • Two additional members who may be co-opted from time to time e.g. FSH Marketing and Communications Officer.
Proxies and Deputisation
  • All members may seek to have a nominated deputy attend in the event of their absence and only in exceptional circumstances.
  • Written confirmation of deputisation must be made to the Chair of the Committee at least two working days in advance the relevant meeting.
  • The Research Committee will meet on at least five occasions each year. Other matters will be dealt with as determined by the Chair, in conjunction with Committee members.
  • Additional, extraordinary meetings of the Committee may be convened as necessary.
  • The schedule of Faculty meetings, including the schedule of meetings of the Faculty Research Committee, for the following academic year will be agreed at the Board’s September meeting.

The quorum is one-half of the membership.


Any meeting of the Faculty Research Committee shall be postponed:

  • if one half of the members signify beforehand that they are unable to attend;
  • if, half an hour after the time set for the commencement of the meeting, insufficient members are present to constitute a quorum

In the absence of the Chair, s/he will nominate a member of the Committee to act as Chair in her/his absence.

  • The Secretary shall compile the agenda in consultation with the Chair.
  • Requests for the inclusion of items on the agenda must reach the Secretary by email, together with any papers for circulation, at least six days before the date of the meeting at which the item is to be considered.
  • Any member may submit items for the agenda; an explanatory memorandum to the Chair should accompany any item for which supporting papers are not provided.
  • The agenda shall normally be circulated with supporting papers at least five clear working days before the meeting.
Order of business

The business of the Research Committee will be organised as follows: Part I: Items for noting

  • Part II: Items for decision
  • Part III: Items for discussion
  • Part IV: Any other business
  • Decision-making by the Committee will, where possible, be consensual.
  • In instances where a vote is required, voting will normally be by a show of hands.
  • A motion shall be declared carried if it receives a simple majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the right of a second or casting vote.
  • The number of votes cast for and against a motion shall not be recorded in the minutes unless such a record is demanded by one third of those present.
  • The Chair, ex officio members, elected members and co-opted members have the right to vote.
  • Officers in attendance and observers do not have the right to vote.
  • Minutes of the meetings will be drafted by the Secretary and approved by the Chair before circulation.
  • The minutes of a previous meeting must be approved by the Committee.
  • Minutes shall be circulated to members of the Committee as soon as they are available and prior to their circulation with papers.
  • Members wishing to challenge the accuracy of minutes, reports or other papers should advise the Secretary and Chair.
  • Minutes will be posted on the Faculty web site for staff access when approved.
Amendments to Standing Orders

Amendments to the Standing Orders may be made by a simple majority of the Committee but shall not take effect until confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the Committee.

  • The Faculty Research Committee may establish such sub-committees or working groups as it may deem necessary and may determine the membership and terms of reference of each subcommittee.
  • The minutes of each such sub-committee will be submitted to the Committee.

The Committee may co-opt members on an exceptional basis for a fixed period of time, the co-option, its terms (whether full voting membership or attendance only) and duration to be agreed in advance by the Committee.

Declaration of Interest

Members will, in advance of a meeting or during a meeting where it becomes relevant, declare an interest in an agenda item. They may continue to take part in the discussion but may not participate in any vote, should there be one.