Faculty of Science and Health | Exam Script Payments

3rd November 2022

  • Students must undertake a certain number of modules in order to complete each year of a degree.
  • Each module carries a number of credits and students must have completed and passed 60 credits at the end of each year.
  • To complete these modules, some form of assessment must take place, i.e. exam, essay, in-class test.
  • Some modules carry a higher credit rating than others, eg. 5 credits, 10 credits and so on.
  • Payment is made for only one method of correction. For example, if 50 students sit a module and there is a continuous assessment and exam as part of the overall mark only 50 corrections can be claimed.
  • The standard rate of payment is €2.52 per 5 credit module. A 10 credit module is €5.04 etc.

The following staff are eligible to claim for correcting end of semester assessments or whatever method of correction that is chosen to assess a student's performance in a module.

  • Academic Staff (Full-time or Part-time)
  • Teaching Assistants,
  • Lecturers
  • Assistant Professor

The following staff are not eligible

  • Full Professor
  • Research staff
  • Tutors

In order for all academic staff to claim for marking the chosen method of assessment, it must be recognised as part of the overall mark at the end of semester, ie. recognised by the Programme Board.

  • There are four examination sessions per academic year:

Semester One - January 

Semester Two - May

Resit - August

Postgraudate - November

  • Exam script claims cannot be paid until after the relevant Programme Boards (PABs) have met. Details about dates of PABs are available on the Academic Calendar.
  • Once the PABs have met you should complete a claim form and sumbit it to science@dcu.ie for processing.
  • The module code, credit, year and semester should be included on the claim form. Payment will be processed based on the module credit / rate. For example if the module is 5 credits and the staff member is claiming for 40 students the amount would be 40 x €2.52. If it's a 10 credit module it's 40 x €5.04.
Exam Script Application Form