Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit 

DCU Learning Innovation Fund (LIF) 2009/2010
Project Scheme: Application form 

Issued: 21th December 2009
Closing: 8th February 
Reference: lif/2009-2010/project-scheme

Please submit your application using the form below. Points to note:
  • Please ensure that you have read the call for applications under this scheme before completing this application form.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.
  • Please enter monetary amounts in EUR only.
  • When all the appropriate information has been filled in, please activate the Submit button below the form.

1. Applicant details

Principal applicant's name*

Principal applicant's School/Unit/Department:*

Principal applicant's email address *

Additional applicants 

Please provide details on any additional applicants in the format "Name, School/Unit/Department, e-mail address" .

2. Project Summary

Project Short Title (one line only, no more than 12 words): *

Amount requested from the LIF *

Exclusive of complementary funding from any other sources. Maximum of €10,000.

Summary Description (max. 200 words):*

Please provide a brief summary of the proposed project.

Project URL (if applicable):

3. Strategic Context

Please explain the strategic context for this project (max. 200 words):*

Preference will be given to projects which clearly address priority aspects of the Enhancement of Learning (EoL) strategic plan preference will be given to projects which clearly address priority aspects of the Enhancement of Learning (EoL) strategic plan and other relevant strategic priorities.

4. Implementation Plan

Please outline how the project will be implemented. (Max. 500 words.) *

Reference should be made to the following:
  • How will the project be carried out, and by whom?
  • What specific objectives of the EoL Strategic Plan will it address?
  • What is the pedagogical basis for the project? (Please include references to relevant scholarly literature)
  • When will the project begin and when will it be completed?
  • Do you foresee any possible obstacles to meeting this schedule?

5. Detailed Budget

Please provide a detailed breakdown of the budgeted costs of the proposed project. *

The following  should be addressed:
  • If the total is different from the amount being requested from the LIF, please indicate how the balance will be funded.
  • State why this project should not be funded within the budgetary allocation of your own School or Unit.
  • Comment on the overall financial justification of the project.

6. Impact and Evaluation

Please outline what impact you anticipate for the project, and how this will be evaluated. (Max. 200 words.) *

Reference should be made to the following:
  • How will the project impact on the learning experience for students? 
  • How will you evaluate the extent to which these improvements have taken place? 
  • Are there opportunities for feedback at all stages of the project and for all stakeholders?

7. Dissemination and Sustainability

The LIF is a University designated fund. Therefore, it is very important that the deployment of the fund be open and transparent and that, as far as possible, it provides benefits to the wider University community. The Learning Innovation Unit co-ordinates a variety of activities through which the outcomes of LIF awards can be publicised and disseminated. Recipients of awards are expected to co-operate with such activities, including honouring the obligation to submit one or more reports which will be made available via the LIU Website. 

  I understand that, if awarded funding under this scheme, I will be required to submit a final report on the deployment of the monies, to be made available via the LIU website and to engage in other dissemination activities via the LIU*

Please indicate here any additional plans or suggestions you have for disseminating the outcomes from this specific project. Also comment on the longer-term sustainability of the intervention, explaining how any future costs that may be involved in maintaining its benefits will be borne. (Max. 150 words.)

8. Head of School/Function approval

All applications under this scheme must be endorsed by the relevant Head of School/Function.

Please confirm you have obtained the approval of your head of function 

Yes, I have obtained approval from my Head of School/Function*

9. Other Information

If there are other brief points which do not fit under any of the previous headings but which you wish to highlight, please enter them here.

10. Evaluation of the Application Process

Finally, if you have any comments (critical or otherwise) on this application form, or any other aspects of this LIF scheme, please provide them here.


When all the required information has been entered click the SUBMIT button below. If you have any problems or questions relating to your nomination submission, please contact learning.innovation@dcu.ie.