Case Studies of Teaching Innovation
The following case studies demonstrate inspiring teaching practices and projects taking place throughout DCU.

CBL Case Study
Using Challenge-Based Learning for Contemporary Bioprocessing Education
This case study, written by Dr Alex Eustace and Allison Tipping, shows how a module was designed to encourage students to propose and investigate a solution to major industry challenges as part of the DCU Futures programme.

Working Group
Process Monitoring Group Work Assessments
In this case study Michael Farrell shows how he reduced the risk of student plagiarism by controlling his assessment by affecting students’ rationalisation processes, taking from the principles of business fraud.

Art Journals Groupwork
Using Art Journals as part of the Learning Process
This case study written by Andrea Cleary & Dr. Máire Ní Bhroin, shows how they used art journals to encourage students to record their individual learning pathways. This approach also motivated and challenged students in an authentic way.

Assessment See Saw
The Assessment See-Saw: Balancing Academic Integrity with Meaningful Learning
This study, developed by Ann Marie Farrell, shows how an assessment designed with multiple tasks and scaffolded learning opportunities, combined with clear direction on how to complete the assessment tasks encouraged and supported students to develop their own work.

Peer Review
Implementing Peer Review for Undergraduate Assessment
This case study demonstrates how Dr Monica Ward used presentations as a form of ensuring students integrity. These presentations also facilitated Monica providing timely feedback to students.

Overcoming Plagiarism
Overcoming Plagiarism using Written Simulations for Assessment
Using written simulations demonstrates how Professor Iain McMenamin designed authentic and current assessment (principle 6) that challenged and motivated students (principle 5).

Assessing Clinical Skills
Innovative Approaches to Assessing Clinical Skills of Large Groups using Video
This case presents how Evelyn Kelleher assesses large cohorts of students by replacing paper-based face-to-face practical exams with online video submissions.

Asynchronous online teaching
Engaging students through asynchronous teaching
In this case study David Kennedy explains how he transformed a traditional face-to-face module into an interactive asynchronous online format and what the impact was for him and his students.

ABC Workshop
Using ABC to Design an Online Teaching Course for Open Online Educators
This case study discusses how a course was developed with the aim of addressing a gap in the provision of professional development for the OEU team of part-time online educators.

Using ABC to design a new Clinical Exercise Science MSc at Dublin City University (DCU)
This case study demonstrates how the ABC workshop assisted in the development of the validation proposal for the new programme and will contribute even more substantially to accreditation if validation is successful.

Computer-Assisted Language Learning
This case study shows how language students use the recordings of their virtual exchanges with native speakers of their target language using Zoom video conferencing for online language learning.

Elite Performance (Sport)
Elite Sport Performance
This case study highlights the blended learning strategy on the Professional Doctorate in Elite Performance (Sport).

Assessment Strategy
Discussion Groups as an Assessment Strategy
This case study shares an innovative assessment method that serves to engage students in a meaningful way and promotes academic integrity.

ABC Learning Design
Using ABC to design the Athletic & Therapy Programme
This case study discusses how ABC Learning Design provided a framework to review the programme content and methods of assessment addressing the competencies (particularly the clinical competencies) required for students to become independent clinicians.

Video Assessment
Video Assessment: Writing Computer Code
In this case study, Dr Tim Downing and his Infection Genomics research group investigates the evolutionary history, present-day epidemiology and future threats associated with bacterial and parasitic drug resistance using genomics, computational models and population genetics.

ABC Learning Design
Using ABC to design a short CPD course for Irish Educators
This case study discusses how the ABC Learning Design Framework was used to design a CPD course for teachers teaching pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in the Irish medium school sector where students are taught exclusively through the Irish language.

Building Assessment around Reading to Promote Academic Integrity
This case study challenges routinely faced in undergraduate teaching in encouraging our students to read the research, especially original research such as peer-reviewed articles. There is often a reluctance to move beyond a prescribed book chapter, and even then a reliance on lecture notes primarily rather than reading more widely.

ePortfolio Case Studies
eportfolio Case Studies
This ebook showcases examples of eportfolio practice across multiple disciplines in DCU from Education to Athletic therapy. Reflections on the design and impact of eportfolio based assessment are shared.

Manual Handling
Developing Online Health and Safety Training for Staff
Assessment of manual handling tasks and the provision of suitable training is a legal requirement and the Health and Safety Office (HSO) fulfils this function.