Using ABC to design the AT&T Programme
What is the title of the programme/ module/course that was the focus of your ABC Learning Design workshop? |
BSc in Athletic Therapy and Training |
What are the programme lead name(s) and email? |
Dr Enda Whyte (enda.whyte@dcu.ie) |
What is the mode of delivery of this programme/module/course (e.g. block release/blended/fully online)? |
Typical face-to-face on-campus experience with blended learning elements and a practical focus |
What discipline is it associated with? |
Athletic Therapy |
What is the level of the programme/module/course? |
Level 8 |
What is the typical cohort size? |
25 |
What was the main learning and teaching challenge you faced when you requested an ABC Learning Design Workshop?
We wanted to ensure that the methods of teaching and assessment addressed the competencies (particularly the clinical competencies) required for students to become independent clinicians.
When was the workshop held?
An in-person ABC workshop was held September 25th, 2019. It was attended by 6 members of the Athletic Therapy and Training (AT&T) academic team (one programme chair and five module coordinators). Two members of the TEU facilitated the session (academic developer and head of unit). It took place over two hours using workshop materials from the DCU adapted ABC toolkit for in-person workshops.
After the workshop, what happened? For example, did your team further develop the storyboard you were introduced to? Did you meet further to discuss action items?
Following the workshop, one of the participants said that:
“It highlighted how I need to adapt the assessments to the learning outcomes. It also introduced methods to encourage independent learning.”
Overall, it provided us with a framework to review the programme content and methods of assessment. We looked (and continue to look) at a number of themes:
1. We used it to review our modular and programme content to make sure we were meeting the professional accreditation needs, but also to see if there was unnecessary duplication of content and evidence of over-assessment.
2. We were eager to incorporate aspects of blended learning into the programme, particularly within the clinical modules. We subsequently got more training in using video, H5P software, and the development of e-portfolios.
3. We used it to see if there were opportunities to seek external accreditation of aspects of the programme (e.g. strength & conditioning, cardiac rehabilitation). This is still being pursued.
4. We used this workshop as a basis for the development of Master's programmes which are in the development and application phase.
5. It also highlighted the different types of learning to us and how we needed to ensure we were delivering and assessing content progressively throughout the programme.
What may have helped or hindered storyboard development after the workshop?
Helped - the follow-up workshop from the TEU approximately four weeks after the first workshop really helped to refocus and energise us as it was easy to prioritise the normal semester demands. This workshop focused on the practical ‘How To’ specifics of H5P and the potential use of Moodle Competencies. Also, paradoxically, the Covid pandemic also assisted as it forced us to use some of the blended learning techniques we learned.
Hindered - the Covid pandemic. We postponed the development of the Masters’ programmes and they are only being brought forward now. A structured, whole programme approach to the integration of blended learning was postponed and it was adopted by individual module coordinators at a level that they were comfortable with.
What changes (if any) were made to the course/module or programme as a result of the ABC Learning Design workshop?
Looking at the six learning types and doing the storyboarding helped us, especially with enhancing how we might get students to interact. We realised that we were doing some aspects well but we were not always supporting students who have different ways of learning. As a result of the workshop:
- We have integrated elements of blended learning in a number of clinical and practical modules. This includes H5P and e-portfolio learning activities. The team wanted to build up a bank of resources to support flexible access to course materials and these additions support that goal.
- We have reviewed and modified the learning outcomes of a number of modules to better reflect the content (required and delivered). These have been completed while being cognisant of the changing accreditation requirements of the professional bodies. This has been used to maintain accreditation and will be the basis for seeking additional external, professional accreditation in strength and conditioning.
- We have developed two Masters programmes, one which has been approved at faculty level and one that will be brought to faculty level soon.
Before [using ABC] we would have looked at the end point from our perspective. We would have relied upon the professional requirements and we would have tried to meet the learners’ needs based on our own experience. We wouldn’t have considered the different ways of learning, demonstrating learning, and opportunities for assessment. In addition, this process brought in people who might not have otherwise participated. It gave an avenue for a team approach to further discuss and follow up on what was needed.
How have any changes or innovation(s) introduced as a result of the ABC workshop worked (to date) with your students? For example, have they helped students achieve the learning outcomes more successfully? Or have they not worked as well as originally anticipated?
It has resulted in it being easier for us to see and demonstrate if students have met their learning outcomes. For example, by using e-portfolio, it is easier for us to demonstrate to the external examiner or the professional accreditation body that the students have met the learning outcomes. It has also helped in the clinical experience modules. The review of the learning outcomes as part of the ABC workshop has also allowed us to develop assessments (and rubrics) that more appropriately address the learning outcomes. These rubrics also are a good way to ensure consistency of marking. I know there was a lot involved in the initial work of the updating of learning outcomes and assessments but this won't be as onerous in the future.

Knee examination
Screenshot from a video that was integrated into a student ePortfolio. The task was to demonstrate an objective/clinical examination of the knee.
What tips do you have for other educators implementing such practice(s)?
We hope to increase the amount of blended learning for the programme, in particular with the clinical modules. We hope that students will be able to have a programme-level e-portfolio that can be used as a resource for learning, a living CV for job opportunities, and an assistance in international, professional accreditation. It will also be an essential aspect of our proposed Masters’ programmes.
Further Reading and/or Resources
See further examples of how an ePortfolio approach was leveraged within the revised BSc in Athletic Therapy and Training programme in the following eBook:
Donaldson, L. (Ed.) (2021). Exemplars of Best Practice with EPortfolio Assessment at Dublin City University. National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University. Dublin. Available at: bit.ly/3pNp670

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