ABC Learning Design Framework
At DCU, we employ the ABC Learning Design (ABC LD) framework when working with staff engaged in programme and module design/redesign. This framework offers an engaging, tightly-timed, hands-on workshop that helps staff to identify and think through potential learning activities for a course. In under two hours, staff work intensively in teams to discuss and create a visual ‘storyboard’ of the intended student learning experience. Participants also learn about pedagogically-appropriate, inclusive learning technologies for students and lecturers in higher education today. ABC learning design is particularly useful for designing new programmes or for those changing to an online or more blended format. To learn more about ABC in practice at DCU, check out the growing bank of ABC case studies.
Online Version of ABC Learning Design
Until recently, the ABC workshop was only available for staff on an on-campus basis. However, we are now pleased to announce that an online version of the workshop has been developed for staff at DCU. Geared towards teams of staff (minimum team size of four, max of 12) a 'live' online ABC Learning Design workshop takes place over two hours via Zoom. It is important to note that some 'Pre ABC' and 'Post ABC' activities are also required of participants. For example, before the live session, staff are expected to engage with a self-directed activity to help them think through the intended learning outcomes of their course. After the session staff are provided with tailored follow-up resources (including links to online supports) which will enable them to implement the ideas they come up with in the workshop. The required resources will be provided by the TEU team who will co-facilitate the workshop and support staff with the process. If your programme or module team wishes to schedule an ABC workshop, please email clare.gormley@dcu.ie to discuss further.
Further Background on ABC Learning Design
The ABC approach has already been trialled and evaluated over a diverse range of programmes nationally and internationally.
DCU is a partner in the Erasmus+ funded ABC to VLE project which aims to enhance the method and produce a downloadable, open-source learning design and staff development ‘pack’ for use across the sector.
The outputs created as part of the project are described in this short video.