Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Learning Innovation Unit
LIU Resources
- Learning Outcomes
- Teaching Evaluation and Development
- Assessment and Feedback
- Learning Technology
- Problem and Inquiry based learning
- Action Research
- Student Learning Resources
Learning Outcomes
- DCU Guide to writing Module Learning Outcomes
- Background to a Learning Outcomes Approach at DCU (.pdf format)
- Guide to Writing Module Learning Outcomes at DCU (.pdf format)
- University awards and the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ): Issues around the Design of Programmes and the Use and Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Teaching Evaluation and Development
Teaching portfolios
- Teaching Portfolios overview
- Introduction to Teaching Portfolios (.pdf format)
- Teaching philosophy statements (.pdf format)
- Teaching Portfolio Practice in Ireland: A Handbook
Reflection and Reflective Practice
- Introduction to reflection (.ppt format)
- Reading resources on reflective practice
- Reflective writing exercise (.doc format)
- Post lecture reflection template (.doc format)
- Critical incident reflection template (.doc format
Tools for gathering student feedback
- TAP form (.doc format)
- Student focus group guidelines (.doc format)
- The one minute paper explained (.pdf format)
- Minute paper template (.doc format)
- Muddiest point template (.doc format).
Self evaluation tools
- Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI)
- Flinders questions for self appraisal (.pdf format)
- Flinders self evaluation inventory (.pdf format)
Peer evaluation/observation tools
- Peer Observation Guidelines (.doc frmat)
- Peer Observation form (.doc format)
- Post lecture reflection template (.doc format)
Assessment and Feedback
- E-assessment with Moodle (.pdf format)
- Using Moodle quizzes (.pdf format)
- Student Feedback Template (.pdf format)
- Teaching Reflections article: Giving Feedback – a Valuable and Necessary Process
Learning Technology
- Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
- Mahara e-portfolio system
- Audacity (podcasting software)
- Camtasia (Screencasting
Contact learning.innovation@dcu.ie
for licence details)
- Getting Started with Learning Technologies (.pdf format)
- Using Moodle's Communications Tools (.pdf format)
- Moodle for Groupwork (.pdf format)
- E-assessment with Moodle (.pdf format)
- Using Moodle quizzes (.pdf format)
- Podcasting for Learning (.pdf format)
- Creating Educational Resources using Camtasia (.pdf format)
- E-learning Accessibility (.pdf format)
- Teaching Reflections article: Some Moodle tips
- Teaching Reflections article: Camtasia for Remote Students – A Review
- National Digital Learning Repository (NDLR) A shared repository of electronic learning resources contributed by and available to all academic staff in the Irish Higher Education Sector.
- Association for Learning Technology
- Irish Learning Technology Association
Problem and Inquiry based learning
- FACiliTATE Irish PBL network
- Teaching Reflections article: The Introduction of Problem Based Learning into a DCU Nursing Programme
- Handbook of Enquiry and Problem-based Learning: Irish Case Studies and International Perspectives