Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Learning Innovation Unit
Learning Innovation Fund Awards
The DCU Learning Innovation Fund(LIF) is a special fund designated on an annual basis by the DCU Executive Committee to support strategic innovation and enhancement of the University's Teaching and Learning activities. It is augmented by funding for some specific schemes under the HEA Targeted Initiatives mechanism. The awards are administered and approved by members of the Learning Innovation Unit and on the advice of the Learning Innovation Panel
The maximum available award from the LIF was €15,000 per project. Total project costs may, of course, be in excess of this if the additional funding is being provided from other source(s).
Applications were reviewed by the Learning Innovation Evaluation Panel, according to a detailed evaluation process. Applicants were informed of the outcomes on 6 February 2006.
While all applicants were provided with individual feedback, the Evaluation Panel also compiled a number of general comments on the applications, and the process, as a whole. In summary, a total of 34 applications were received, seeking €376,753 in funding; 14 awards were made, amounting to an allocation from the LIF of €125,320
The award winners and copies of the full original application information are provided below.
Mary Kelly - Promoting student-managed learning of clinical nursing skills using online videos.
Claus Pahl - A Multi-disciplinary Reusable Learning Objects Portfolio
Dr Lisa Looney - Learning experience tailored to engineering students' learning preferences: a pilot initiative
Humanities Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee (FTLC) - Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Innovation Forum (LIF)
Donal Dowling - Mathtutor - a computer-based maths learning tool
Markus Helfert - Development and pilot for a problem based course "Individualized Learning Scorecards"
Brien Nolan - Developing Case Studies for Maths and Science Tutor/Demonstrator Training
Ellen Breen, Sub-Librarian, Information & Public Services - The Design and Development of an Online Information Literacy Course/Tutorial
Dr Minako O'Hagan - Manga, Anime and Videogames: an interdisciplinary initiative in Japanese studies, Multimedia and Translation
Dr Odilla Finlayson - How do we tackle the inter-disciplinary nature of science?
Debbie Ging - Finglas for Diversity - a collaborative action research project between DCU and the Finglas-Cabra Partnership
Dr Eilish McLoughlin -Enhancing the learning environment using classroom response systems
Finian Buckley - RATE - Reduced Attrition Through Engagement
Dr. Donal Fitzpatrick - Integration of math content into moodle