Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Learning Innovation Unit
Head of the Learning Innovation Hughes: Dr Jean Hughes
Dr Jean Hughes, Head of the Learning Innovation Unit, graduated from DCU (then NIHE Dublin) in 1988, with a degree in Computer Applications. She subsequently did an MBA in DCUBS (in 1994) and completed a Doctorate in Education with Queen's University, Belfast, in 2010.
Jean worked in industry before moving to the Regional Technical College in Tallaght (now ITT Dublin) when it opened in 1992, moving to IADT Dun Laoghaire in 2005. She has held roles as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Head of Department and Head of School in the Institute of technology sector and she also gave leadership to developing the eLearning infrastructure in IADT, establishing and chairing both the eLearning Steering Group and the eLearning Interest Group. She was also a member of the IADT Partnership Committee, which she chaired for a year. In 2005 Jean joined DCU as Head of the Learning Innovation Unit. In 2008 she was seconded as DCU’s Director of SIF Programmes and she managed DCU’s suite of SIF 2 projects as well as coordinating the DRHEA’s (http://www.drhea.ie) suite of Enhancement of Learning (http://www.drhea.ie/eol) projects which involved 4 universities and 4 institutes of technology in the greater Dublin area.
From September 2012 Jean is on a 3 year leave of absence as the Associate Director of Academic Affairs with the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) in their Bahrain Campus and can be contacted at jhughes@rcsi-mub.com.
Jean is interested in all aspects of pedagogy, in particular the use of reflective practice by both teachers and students, online and blended learning, in particular academic development in this context and she has a general research interest in quality assurance in HE.
Recent Presentations/Publications include:
- Hughes, J. (2012). ‘Do as I Do…Experience of Teaching Academics to be Online teachers by Being Online Students.’ International Consortium of Educational Developers (ICED), Bangkok, July 23-25 2012.
- Hughes J., and Tan, E. (Eds) (2012) The Dynamic Curriculum: Shared Experiences of Ongoing Curricular Change in Higher Education. HEA/ DCU, Dublin.
- Hughes J., and Munro, M. (2012) Curriculum Change: Achieving Institutional Cohesion While Maintaining Individual Autonomy in Hughes, J. and Tan, E. (Eds) The Dynamic Curriculum: Shared Experiences of Ongoing Curricular Change in Higher Education, (p18-38), HEA/DCU, Dublin.
- McIlrath, L., Farrell, A., Hughes, J., Lillis, S & Lyons, A (Eds) (2009) Mapping Civic Engagement within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE, Dublin
- Hughes, J., Redmond U. (2009). Learning from Life: The Uaneen Module in DCU in McIlrath, L., Farrell, A., Hughes, J., Lillis, S & Lyons, A (Eds) Mapping Civic Engagement within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE, Dublin.
- Hughes, J., Barton, H. (2009) To Be or Not To Be Altruistic in McIlrath, L., Farrell, A., Hughes, J., Lillis, S & Lyons, A (Eds) Mapping Civic Engagement within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE, Dublin.
- Hughes, J. (2007). The Role of Teaching Portfolios in the Development of a Reflective Learning Culture in Dublin City University, in Teaching Portfolio Practice in Ireland A Handbook, HEA/TCD/AISHE
- Hughes, J. and Moore, I. (2007). Reflective Portfolios for Professional Development, in O’Farrell, C. (Ed) Teaching Portfolio Practice in Ireland, A Handbook, HEA/TCD/AISHE.
- Hughes J. (2007) Attitudes to Managerialism. AISHE Conference, Maynooth, August 2007.
- Hughes J., Leitch, R., McGee, M., White, J.,. (2005). Reflective Practice. CARN/PRAR Conference, Utrecht, November 2005.
- Canon, S and Hughes, J. (2005). Learning Our Way Forward in eLearning: The Story of Something Fishy .Education and Information technologies, Vol. 10, No. 3, July 2005.
- Hughes J. (2003). Designing e-Content. EdTech Conference, May 2003. Waterford Institute of Technology.
- Hughes, J. (2004). Online, In-Service Training for Primary Teachers and Pupils. EdTech Conference, May 2004. Institute of Technology, Tralee.
- Hughes, J. (2002). Effective On-line Content Design. Conference of the Cyprus Computing Society, Nicosia, December 2002.