Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Writing Module Learning Outcomes
The EU and National Context
Higher Education institutions are obliged under the Bologna Agreement to adopt a learning outcomes approach by 2010. At DCU, learning improvement rather than compliance is the motivation for the Academic Framework for Innovation (AFI), the project under which the Bologna requirements are being met.
The Bologna Process
Education ministries in all participating EU countries have undertaken to adopt the Bologna principles and to establish national frameworks of qualifications to achieve the following aims:
- easily readable and comparable degrees,
- a credit transfer system,
- promotion of mobility,
- promotion of cooperation in quality assurance
Learning outcomes are considered as the common means by which the aims of the Bologna Process can best be achieved.
Ireland’s Framework
The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) has been in place since 2003. The NFQ is designed for the development, recognition and award of qualifications based on standards of knowledge, skill and competence acquired by learners. The Framework consists of 10 levels, from basic learning to Doctoral awards. Thus, it is designed to accommodate all types of education and training, wherever it takes place
Source: www.nfq.ie/nfq/en/provider.html
Ireland’s National Framework of Qualifications The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) has responsibility for ensuring Ireland meets its obligations under the Bologna agreement.