Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University
Learning Innovation Unit
Head of Learning Innovation
Morag Munro
Munro is Head of Learning Innovation at Dublin City University (DCU).
Morag graduated from The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow with a BEng in Chemical Engineering, followed by an MSc in Energy Systems and Environment. She is currently working towards a Doctorate in Education with the University of Glasgow which is focused around a critical analysis of neoliberal constructions of learning technology in Higher Education.
After graduation, Morag worked as a Learning Technologist at the University of Strathclyde from 1998 to 2001. Between 2001 and 2003 she worked in instructional design and project management in various e-learning companies in Ireland. She has been based at DCU since March 2003. Outside DCU, Morag is the Editor of ALT-N.
Morag's current research interests include Learning Technology/Technology Policy and Philosophy of technology.
Recent papers, presentations and book chapters:
Munro, M. and McMullin, B. (2008) e-Learning for All? Maximizing the Impact of Multimedia Resources for Learners with Disabilities IN Donnelly, R and McSweeney, F. (eds.) Applied eLearning and eTeaching in Higher Education
Munro, M. and Kenny, C. (2008) E-learning Standards for Learning
Objects and Learning Designs: Current Issues and Future Directions IN:
Lockyer, L., Bennett, S., Agostinho, S. and Harper, B. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Learning Design and Learning Objects: Issues, Applications and Technologies
Blin, F. and Munro, M. (2007) ‘Why hasn’t technology disrupted academics’ teaching practices? Understanding resistance to change through the lens of activity theory’, in Computers & Education, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 475 – 490.
Brophy, N., Munro M. and Kenny C. (2007) Designing Reusable Learning Objects – Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities. International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education.
Kenny, C., Brophy, N., Munro, M. & Pahl, C. (2006) SCORM-compliant Development and Delivery of Learning Objects for Undergraduate Programming – an Experience Report. Paper presented at EdTech 2006, the Seventh Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference.
Munro, M. (2006) Virtual Environments for Learning: Proprietary or Open Source? Paper presented at Elearning - Opportunities and Challenges, 2006.
Costelloe, E., Sherry, E., Magee, P. & Munro, M. (2006) Promoting Reflection in Novice Programmers using a Metacognitive Interface with Learning Objects Paper presented at the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age
Munro, M. and McMullin, B. (2005) Conflict of interests? Can tensions between accessibility, interactivity and multimedia in e-learning be overcome. Paper presented at EdTech 2005, the Sixth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference.
Munro, M. and Walsh, E. (2005) Online tutors as online students: preparing tutors to teach online. Paper presented at EdTech 2005, the Sixth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference
Munro, M. (2005) Extending the classroom with Moodle: Exploring Moodle's potential for enhancing teaching and learning in primary and secondary education. Paper presented at the Computer Education Society of Ireland 2005 conference.
Munro, M. (2005) Which Virtual Learning Environment? Paper presented at DIT Summer School, 2005
Clinton G,. Henry P., Cannon G., Munro M., Halpin A., Helfert M. (2005) CHASEtown - Community, Health and Social Environment. A Virtual Learning Environment Using NANDA, NIC and NOC, 5th European Conference of ACENDIO
Munro, M. and Henry, P. (2004) A problem based learning-centred virtual care environment for nurse education. Paper presented at ALT-C 2004, the 11th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT).
McMullin, B. and Munro, M. (2004) Moodle at DCU. Paper presented at EdTech 2004, the Fifth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference.
Clinton, G., Cannon G., Henry, P. and Munro, M. (2004) CHASETOWN: a
computer based health and social environment. Paper Presented at the School of Nursing
& Midwifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin: 5th Annual
International Research Conference Transforming Healthcare Through
Research, Education & Technology.
Munro, M., Henry, P., and Cannon, G. (2004) A Virtual Care Environment for Health Education. Paper presented at EdTech 2004, the Fifth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference.
Munro, M. (2003) Virtual Learning Environment Deployment at DCU. DCU working paper. [Online] Available from http://odtl.DCU.ie/projects/web-tl/vle/vleproposal.html
Munro, M and McMullin, B. (2003) Access to Lecture notes: Review and Best Practice: DCU working paper. [Online] Available from http://odtl.DCU.ie/wp/2004/odtl-2004-00.html
Henry, P., Munro, M. Cannon, G. & Halpin, A. (2003) Thinking outside the box in Nursing. Paper presented at HISI and EUROREC '03, The 8th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium.
Contact details:
Telephone: + 353 1 700 5606
Email: morag.munro@dcu.ie