Learning Innovation Unit, Dublin City University

Learning Innovation Unit

 200/2010 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching:
Academic Support Staff Nomination Form

Deadline for nominations: 6th April at 5pm

Please note the form below is for nomination of a member of Academic Support Staff (To nominate for the category of Academic Staff, including the award for New Lecturers/Postgraduate Tutors then please use the Academic Staff and New Lecturers/Tutors nomination form). Please contact learning.innovation@dcu.ie if you have any questions about using the form.

Please note the following

  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.
  • You are strongly encouraged to prepare and save all required information in advance then copy and paste the information into the relevant sections of the online form. This is to ensure you do not lose information in the event of any technical problems which may occur during online submission.
  • The online form only saves plain text therefore any formatting (fonts, colours, images, etc.) will be lost when submitting.
  • When you are happy with the information you have entered in each of the fields, click the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your nomination.

Additional information

Academic Support Staff Nomination Form

Who are you nominating?

*Nominee's Name:

If you are nominating a team or group, please enter each team member's name (One per line)

*Nominee's Department/Unit:

*Nominee's Email Address:

Proposer Details

*Your Name:

*Please indicate your relationship to the nominee:

If "Other", please specify


For staff this should be your school; for students or alumni this should be your programme.

*Your email address:

Supporters of this nomination

Please enter the name, status (staff/student or alumni) and email address of any individuals supporting this nomination (One per line)

*Nomination details

Please use this space to describe your own reasons for nominating this person or team. 

You should indicate how the nominee demonstrates excellence in the support of student learning and the support of academic staff in the teaching/learning process in particular how they go beyond normal expectations to assist student learning.

Please refer to the documents What is Teaching Excellence and Evaluation criteria for Academic Support Staff as a guide to any additional areas that may be relevant to the nomination.

Please use this space to add anything about the nominee(s) you feel has not already been addressed.


When all the required information has been entered on the form, click the SUBMIT button below.
Provided the form has been filled in appropriately your application will be processed and a confirmation page will be displayed. You will receive an automatic email acknowledgement of your nomination. If you do not receive an email confirmation or if you have any problems or questions relating to your nomination submission, please contact learning.innovation@dcu.ie.